I continue to be epic (fail.)

Nov 29, 2009 10:30

Right now, Ashley is getting ready for the day and I'm messing around on iTunes. My epic failness of iTunes is the bane of my existence. I have OCD about some things, particularly organizational and spatial OCD.

For example: I used to have a small 'X' taped on the sink to show Boy where to put the water glass when he was done because he kept putting it back in the wrong spot. Even as little as an inch. And then I learned he was doing it on purpose. So I freaked out, did the tape thing and now we're good. I even took the tape off! But if he acts up again, I'll have to teach him a lesson again.

So, anyway, whilst Ashley prepares herself for cuteness, I have been dinking around on iTunes. First, my iPod is a waste. I have like...10GB of music on my 80GB ipod. Tf? I have like two videos, music videos. Most of my music is missing album artwork. I just can't do it.

But I'm trying. I'm finding some more music I want on here, and I'm cleaning it up a bit. I'm uploading a couple of DVDs to put on. Maybe I will stop failing.

Until then, I will just retreat back to my corner and cry.

Also, this weather? Kicks ass. Keep it up, Mother Nature.

friends: cordelia989, ipod, geekery, itunes

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