My Year in Review

Dec 07, 2008 19:07

I think this is the third time I'm doing this? Who knows. Here we go!

Take the first sentence from the first post of every month.

January: Thoughts akimbo
-Contemplating taking a break from LJ

February: Update or Temporary Hiatus
-an update to my contact info or the announcement of my temporary hiatus from LJdom. Wow, I'm boring.

March: To the asshole that was standing by my car when I left the store:

April: No, it does not mean you can wear bikinis in Alaska in January
-I should point out this post was the first (only) of April, and it was on the 28th

May: Because I'm nice.

June: Good thing I have arm floaties
-technically there's two posts before this, but it's about my cell phone number and a birthday wish, so I'm not counting them. DEAL.

July: It's like a Crock Pot!

August: The Saga of the Missing Filofax

September: I need some advice and you people are good at that.

October: Sorry, but this is kinda how I feel?

November: This is my pessimistic side.
-about McCainiac stealing the election

December: *sigh*
-about Reese being sick.

Bring on 2009!

year in review

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