UPDATE: Final Kitteh Update

Dec 06, 2008 10:26

 EEE! I don't know how best else to describe my feelings right now.

Just got off the phone with the vet. Reese apparently had what is called a "pancreatic attack." It's just genetic in some cats. No reasoning behind it, nothing that happened or anything we did. We need to adjust the food a bit (and really, it'll be better for all the cats, not just Reese.) The kidney failure was because his pancreas wasn't passing the water like it's supposed to, or whatever (yeah, I'm not a doctor, can you tell?,) so they started to shut down.

We got him in soon enough. The pumping-him-full-of-water bit worked and he basically wet all over his cage, which is GOOD, because it means his kidneys weren't completely damaged and the vet was able to kickstart them into working again.

He said Reese is completely different than how he was when he went in - i.e., back to his old, hyper self. He's on antibiotics, but once he finishes his antibiotics, he won't need to be on medicine again. We will probably be able to pick him up on Monday.

My baby is coming home!


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