Is anyone missing a Sari?

Jul 26, 2007 22:31

I know I haven't posted or commented in forever and I'm sorry but would you believe me if I told you I've been blogging my ass off and was all blogged out? No? Well, it's TRUE.

Most of you know that I have started/am in the process of starting a "real" blog, etc. I've been wanting to go live by the end of this week and I was not finished with the design at ALL.

So I've been up to my eyeballs in CSS code since Monday night and I have had no energy to visit LJ. I didn't even check my email yesterday and if you know anything about me, you KNOW that's weird.

For all intents and purposes, it's done. I need to add a couple plug-ins and pages but the important part is done. I do hope you people might follow me over there and read. :) I know it's off the LJ site, but I will still be sticking around here, too! I could never give up LJ. Even if I neglect LJ sometimes.

There might be developments happening at work (beneficial to me). Chance is slim to none but I'm hopeful and I'll let you know when I know.

Other than that, nothing much happening here. Except for the CSS pouring out of my eyeballs and talking to the dh (21 days!), I have done squat. I haven't read, reread, barely cleaned, barely eaten (unless you count coffee and ice cream) or done much other than work and CSS this week. (And anyone who says developing isn't tiring has never done it!)

But now, it's done! The hard stuff, is done. Making the monthly header adjustments and color adjustments will be easy peasy. Hopefully that'll be live by the end of the weekend at the latest.

In other news:

Shameless plug: archivability. I am a part-time amateur novice professional photographer just like every other bastard blogger in the world. But I have a fun, professional camera that is worth far more than I deserve. Woo!

Not so shameless plug: double exposure. Photo blog for one Laura Beks, who happens to be a very talented professional blogger friend of mine. Who also reads here. *wave* She’s asked me to do her website and I can’t wait!

But enough about me. How are you?

ETA: Tomorrow night, Friday, is super returny-commenty-Sari day. Because I'm that cool.

sometimes i pretend to be a blogger

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