Jul 21, 2007 10:13

I promise this will be my last post about the apocalypse. Maybe. So, today is Super Cleany Day in the neighborhood. The day after the storm, Thursday, people were out in droves, chainsawing and hacking and all other sorts of things people do to trees when they fall down, but today the city has hired dozens of burly men with woodchippers to drive around and clean up the big trees all sitting along the streets. This is both annoying and quite frankly, disturbingly scary. Annoying because wood chippers are the LOUDEST THING EVER.

The rumbling is reverberating off every freaking surface in this neighborhood until it's inside your head going GRUMBLEGRUMBLEGRUMBLE. I had my bedroom window open, because it's a gorgeous day, but that ended quickly. And scary because, dear god, have you ever seen a wood chipper? These men are shoving entire TREES into these things for chrissakes and the wood chipper eats 'em up, belches and is all "what? That was it?"

I have decided I really, really don't want to die by chipper.

It is also Super Cleany Day in Sari's house. I am in a TERRIBLE OCD mood but this is ok because I have already read HP7. I still went and bought my copy, naturally but now I can read it slower because I AM REREADING IT.

shutterloubug, I believe you owe me a dollar.

I won't post anything about it because I don't want to spoiler people and, well, I am entirely too lazy.

It annoys me though. It's a sore thumb on my stack of HP books. Who's idea was it to have a bright yellow cover? They should be shot. No! Wood chipper!

Also, the book itself, the story, pisses me off. But we won't go into that.

In other news, Sari is doing well, thanks to those who have asked. Sari, apparently, is also referring to herself in the third. Is anyone surprise? Sari isn't.

But honestly, I am actually doing very, very well. My feelings this time are nowhere near the way they were the last time David was on site. There's 23 days until he comes home and I am terribly excited for it. Granted, he'll only have four days off before he starts working, but he'll be home every night and that's what matters!

And on Thursday, we lost another beloved family member: my TV. It was my living room TV, so my big screen ("big" being relative) and since about January, it's been doing this thing where the screen will get very small and fuzzy...basically, the black bars grow and squish up the screen. It'd be like that for days and then it'd go back to normal and be normal for weeks. It kept doing this off and on and my dad mentioned that he figured the TV was dying. Which makes sense, since it was inherited and was a good 15 years old. Well, Thursday night, I snuggled into bed with my Tivo remote and set about to watch one of my recorded shows, as is the habit when I go to bed when David is not home.

About five minutes into the show, the TV goes FUZZ, gets squished small and blinks off. And that was it. Wouldn't turn back on. So this morning, my dad brought over one of his extra TVs... yes, he has extra TVs...and so now I have a new (only two years old), 4" larger big screen. YAY. I can watch Tivo again! I was seriously spazzing the last few days. I'm such an addict. At least it isn't Grey's season!

So now I am going to go clean and organize and do laundry and then I will snuggle into my bed with a cup of tea and finish rereading HP.

I hope you all have gorgeous Saturdays, as well!

ETA: And, in case you're wondering (which you aren't, but whatever), I most definitely have it on my list to buy another Tivo. I need one for the bedroom, too, you know!

daterer, random post is random

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