Nov 27, 2005 07:43
humm... so haven't been on in a while. Well to update this as best as I can... I now work midnights (11pm to 7am) and my body is pretty use to it... I know this b/c I stay awake the entire shift (yeah me) and my caffine intake is much less than it was when I first started midnights. Well its only been 9 weeks, so I've accomplished alot, sucks on my "nights" off b/c I'm up all night as if I would have worked.
Note to self.. when I get my digital SLR camera the ride home in the morning just as the sun crests the so spectactular... will have to shoot some pics and post them for you all. Not alot new.... still with Weight Watchers.. lost 50 lbs in a year and 1 month. Still Walking with Sally 3-5 nights a week, and still playing volleyball once a week. I plan on joining the local artists guild they meet every wed from 9am to noon. I want to see what they do at the meeting... and its free. I also want to get involved with the local habitat for humanity orgainizaton.....I love what they do.
Watched Dawsons's creek last night... thanks to my co worker Jamie... I forgotten how much I loved that show.
Well I'm sleepy now... and my bed is toasty thanks to my new electric throw... have a good day everyone.