At least there are still funny conversations...

Apr 29, 2007 23:59

Kudos to Mr. Lubke for having it with me.

Mike: well...phonemically...I rule the world from a perch high on Mount... Olympus?
Me: Na-ah, Chomsky's laid claim to that!
Mike: ...Olympamanjaro. That's better.
Me: lol.
Mike: Fuck Chomsky...
Me: You are a silly mongoose. With iridescent feathers.
Mike: ...with a morning star
Mike: why thank you, I paint them frequently
Me: YESSSSSS! Let's totally fuck Chomsky with a morning star!
Me: He is such an awful arrogant asshole! Yay alliteration!
Mike: we wouldn't get very far before he died... unless he really is THAT BIG of an asshole. Or... alternately... the world's smallest morning star.
Me: No. We should stretch his asshole with an enema!
Mike Lubke: erm...
Me: And then use a normal-sized morning star! *cackle*
Mike: ummm...
Mike: ew
Mike: just...
Mike: ew
Mike: and also...
Mike: I don't think enemas work that way.

funnies, mike

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