
May 24, 2009 13:16

I've had an LJ for almost 7 years.

Just for fun, let's see what else happened in 2002.

Las Ketchup.
GWB put the No Child Left Behind act into law.
Daniel Pearl was killed in Pakistan.
Andrea Yates was found guilty of drowning her 5 children in the bathtub.
The Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth died in her sleep.
The former WWF (World Wrestling Federation) officially changed their name to the WWE
The State Department, prior to Congress officially declaring war on Iraq, released their report naming 7 sponsors of terrorism: Iran, Iraq, Cuba, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria.
Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize.
The final piece of debris was cleared from Ground Zero.
The FIFA World Cup was hosted by Japan and S. Korea. Brazil won for the fifth time.
Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her Golden Jubilee.
GWB addressed the UN, declaring his intentions to act against Iraq. Weeks later, Congress passed a joint resolution allowing the President to use the US Armed Forces however he sees fit.
The Disneyland Angels won the World Series, defeating the SF Giants.
GWB established the Department of Homeland Security.

Notable deaths:
Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's
Chuck Jones, animator (Duck seaon! Wabbit season! ...etc.)
Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes, singer, TLC
John Gotti, gangster
Jack Buck, baseball announcer ("Go crazy, folks! Go crazy!" ...etc.)
Ted Williams, Red Sox legend and popsicle
Johnny Unitas, football legend
Stan Rice, poet and painter, husband of author Anne Rice
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