Jun 13, 2011 20:38
I am about to fall asleep at the keyboard...and tomorrow isn't going to be any better. Only good thing about tomorrow, is that it will go by fast. Reason I know I am going to dislike tomorrow? I am baking. Last time I checked I was 31 (32 on Wednesday) weeks pregnant. What does that mean? My mobility and flexibility are crap. I can't even stand up from a squat without taking my time or grabbing something for help *sigh* It can't be helped though Donnie hurt his wrist and is off work for a week. Guess its time to show everyone how to bake again huh? Not to sound like I know all...even though we know I do, but come on! Some of the product that has been baking off since I stopped baking full time is crap! I KNOW I can do better. I guess I will be able to now.
Rob and I are expecting his parents to visit some time in July. I am excited, and even excited is an understatement. I adore Robs parents. They have a horde of baby items for us. 2 boxes from his Aunt Cindy 1 from his sister...and that doesn't count what his parents have bought for us. My urge to nest has been going though the roof, which has been magnified with the thought of his parents on their way. No word on if my dad or brother will be visiting...although that doesn't surprise me, even though I drop hints whenever I talk to them.
Thankfully the postal strike hasn't impacted us as much as I thought it would. :)
Wicked is going to be in Vancouver, I want to go....but $68 for the seats at the back of the theater sucks. Also I would need two tickets, two ferry rides, a hotel room....that is TOO much money right now. Blah
I feel as if my life is boring. All I ever talk about is work and baby stuff. I am happy though, so I guess that is all that matters.