May 15, 2011 16:45
I am beside myself with excitement! Tuesday is (as I know it) my last freakishly early work shift. After my days off I will be starting at *drumroll* 8am!!!. I am happy that I can sleep now.
Baby update.
My third trimester starts Wednesday! Things are still going wonderfully. Baby kicks are getting stronger, they don't hurt...I can just see my belly move if I pay attention to it. We attended our first prenatal class on Wednesday, who knew a women's breasts don't fully develop until she becomes pregnant. The whole class was filled with neat bits of info such as the previous sentence.
My dog has been sick lately! Poor thing could't keep food down for the past 2 to 3 days. Rob and I were worried, apparently there is a virus going around that could be fatal if not caught in time. Luckily today Chappy seems to have done a 180 and is back to his amazing snugly licky Chappy self.
Now to make dinner!