fic rec

Apr 06, 2012 16:18

Recently read these post-7x17 fics by two dear flisters who are also two of my favorite writers.

smilla02's The Prayer of Going Nowhere
dotfic's The Black Cord, Came In From the Wilderness

They both write all of the characters of Team Free Will--especially the Castiel/Dean relationship--so well that it hurts. Such care is given to each character's perspective; the characters all feel so precisely realized and complex. The writing style is understated so that it's just like reading the quiet spaces in between the rich character moments on the show. I can't tell the difference between where the show ends and their fic begins.

And if you haven't read Watch That First Step by adelheide yet, please do. Her writing makes me ache for what Sam's storyline might have been like if only the show had managed to pull off what she does: turning Lucifer's bitchy-best-friend-in-your-head act into a genuinely haunting horror show. It's really an amazing read; I think this is exactly what the show intended and failed miserably at. She digs into the horror of what had been Sam's situation and doesn't spare him anything. It's beautiful, and terrifying.

I kind of love my flist a lot. Please never stop writing. <333

spn, medicine of the mind, can't brain must squee

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