Apr 09, 2008 15:31
DETTA! Spinning Wheels!!!!! Kromski Sonata!!!!! :::is happy spinning geek:::
Did not buy the Sonata. I'm GOING to buy it but I didn't do it today. I was good...more or less. I DID purchase 2 pounds of mill ends fiber. Some blue and white mohair/wool blend and some white wool/mohair blend. I also bought .5 oz of silk caps...for Chris H....to pay her for using her gas to drive us to Detta's. Also bought another Kromski bobbin. We won't discuss what Chris bought. At least *I* didn't have to use a credit card. :::laughs:::
Meeting last night was blissfully short. We'll be signing contracts in the next couple of weeks. FINALLY. I hope to have it done before our ED returns from vacation so I can drop the surprise on his desk. ::evil grin::
Fighter practice....KEN! It was nice to see him after so long an absence.
A word to the wise (of course ALL of you already KNOW that I'm a bitch), if you think you'll enlist my support for your ideology, it would be best to find out in advance if I agree with you. Anything else is damned near suicidal. Oh, and if doing it *YOUR* way is so damned important to you that you don't care if you suck the joy out of it for someone else, then you have a problem. It's a GAME. Get over it. Help someone get better. Don't slap them down for not being "good enough". BTW, doing this two weeks in a row puts you in a "special" category. Getting someone else to do it for you, too, the second week makes that category designation qualify you to ride a REALLY short bus.
Mostly though, I don't particularly care. If you suck the joy out of it from someone in my world, then he won't want to play anymore and that...will be that. You'll have successfully driven away another fighter. Well done.
I only care enough that I'll tear stripes out of you if you try to involve me in your stupidity EVER again. I play for my reasons and my reasons alone. Those reasons do not include fighting as anything more than a pleasant distraction in a GAME.
Thus I have summed up the good, the bad and the indifferent.