Staycation, sickness and sleep cycles

Jan 13, 2013 06:20

Being sick on staycation sucks, though thankfully I've not been as dastardly disgusting as BF got to, possibly because we hit it hard when I did start to exhibit signs, so the first day was the worst day. For most of the weekend, I've been mostly what feels like dealing with residual symptoms. And I have had a little of the GI piece, it seems like, although I still haven't quite given anybody ketchup bottle realness.

But it seems that the biggest issue is that the combination of body-fighting-off-gunk and not having to go to work is that I sleep -- whenever. And for weird durations that normally wouldn't do anything for me. The first day, I came home worn out and passed out in bed... for two hours. And then I was up and ready to go. Until late afternoon, and then I slept two more. The night before last, I slept around 5am, was awakened around 9, and was annoyed, and I slept for around two hours later on.

Yesterday, I had spent the whole previous night, basically, doing a tour-de-Walmart for SOL (sister-out-law, in case you weren't sure) to try and find her these certain valances she wants for her girls' room. (I was also hunting more Theraflu for BF, at his request, which I also had no luck finding. It's popular right now.) I pretty much passed out immediately once I picked BF up from work. Eventually, he woke me, and the ambient light in the room was about what it had been when I fell asleep, so I found myself annoyed that people wouldn't let me sleep -- until I realised it was actually about 9½ hours later.

So last night, I took BF to work. I had to take down J's work and personal shoes to MOL for washing, since apparently one of the kitties has decided they're great for peeing on/in. I ended up chatting with her and MOL for a few minutes. MOL likes to joke that SOL is freakin' KDKA*, that whenever something's going on, she'll tell you before you can even see it on the news. Like that day the dude shot the other dude in the Shop 'n Save parking lot. She'd just mentioned it the other day because something had happened around here, and she heard it from SOL right away.

I told her, "You're right. She's is like freakin' KDKA... when I was taking BF to work, I said something to him about running to Walmart for a few things tonight, and within five minutes of my getting home, SOL's calling me, asking me, 'Are you gonna be going to Walmart any time soon??' It's like she's got RADAR."

Of course, you're wondering why she's going to ask me if I'm going to Walmart, if she could just go herself. Mostly, because I typically don't go to our local Walmart, because, well, why the heck do I want to go to work when I'm not working? Instead, we usually go to one of the others that are reasonably nearby. Most of them involve a decently scenic drive, and sometimes it's useful for us to go to the northwest of here, as there are two stores basically situated just opposite the Ohio from each other, one in WV and one in OH, so that if we're looking for something and can't find it, we pretty much just have to shoot over the river.

Well, I did go to Walmart that night, and I didn't have to cruise up the river to hit the other two stores, but I figured, what the heck? I didn't have anything else to do. I drove over to Wheeling first, where I got the stuff I needed to get, and some things I wanted to get, and some things that I didn't need to get, but did get because I'm a sucker for a good deal. ($5 lounge pants, since BF has lent J most of mine... so a couple extra pair won't hurt.)

They were out of the stuff BF wanted, and there was no sign of what SOL had asked me for, so I decided to go ahead and cruise up to Steubenville, where I also had no luck, and then none across the river in Weirton. So I headed home.

The most fun part of the trek was upon me. Weirton back to Washington, no matter how you take it, the most direct routes are back roads. At best, you get mostly back road two-lane highway. And we're in an area with a lot of ups and downs and twists and bends. And it was 55°F (13°C) at 4:00 am with snow still left on the ground. And so we had fog. And lots of it. Often times the low beams were too high, so since the car doesn't have fog lights, all I could do was take it slow. And watch like crazy for deer, because the deer were out in force. It took me much longer than normal to get home, let's just say.

I fell asleep very quickly after, as I said, and passed out for well over 9 hours.

Cut back to today, I finally called SOL about the valances, and told her I'd begun to wonder if she had said valances, but meant panels, because I'd seen several zebra panels... but she also hadn't said pink zebra valances, so I had been working under the assumption she wanted black/white. I was right, at least, not to grab pink zebra panels, but she reiterated that the website said that they had them in at least one of those stores. (Like the website's in-store availability listing means squat...) They could have them lost somewhere in the back room, for all I know. It's only useful if they're on the shelf where they can be found. I'm fully aware that it saying that they have them doesn't mean that I'll be able to go and get them, but for her, it's sort of like that statement on the website is God's word that she can go pick them up right now.

I don't mind trying to help her out, although I'm not sure she realises that even going to look for them wasn't exactly like I just opened up some closet I happen to have in my house to see if they were there.

Anyway, I passed out last night around midnight, and woke up again about 5:00am. I didn't even know that I was tired, but apparently I was, and quite more than a little. Now, I have to wonder whether I'm up for the day, or if I'm just on another brief respite from sleep. o_0

I have to collect BF from work in about 45 minutes, and then I think he wants breakfast, so since he said cinnamon rolls, I hope that means that there are some here to be done up, since I don't think I really feel like going to the store anymore. :)

*KDKA -- one of the local news stations in Pittsburgh. Some may look at that and say, "What? Shouldn't that be W-something? You're on the WXXX side of the Mississippi." And the answer has to do with it being a remnant from before the KXXX/WXXX system came to be. There are still two -- I think -- TV stations this side of the Mississippi that hold KXXX call signs, and I think the other one is also in PA -- Philly, to be specific. They will remain KXXX signs until they give them up, after which, they'll be stuck with WXXX's. There are also a few WXXX stations on the west side of the Mississippi, much in the same fashion.

family, shopping, sickness, staycation, sleep

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