Dec 17, 2008 09:50
So, something was wrong with the information on my check card, so my automatic renewal for LJ did not process. (Probably because I moved since the last time, and I never changed it.) I am not sure whether it is worth renewing, at this juncture.
In six days, I will be making my way to Michigan for Christmas with my family. The only actual full day I will be able to spend there is Christmas EVE. Christmas day will be spent with the family, then overnight, I'll be driving back to Pittsburgh so that I can work overnight 12/26. I am excited about this.
However, I recently made a joke that as I've gotten older, and worked retail, I've kind of grown to dislike Christmastime in general, as overall, it sort of seems as though the Christmas spirit mostly just reeks of sphincter. But then again, the world is chock full of orifices anyhow.
Like the jagoff at work the other night who offered to "punch [me] in the fuckin' face."
Cashier on the front end refused his check, as he had no ID. He demanded a manager, because the manager always gives the customer what he wants, right? Poor guy got a manager who had his cashier's back.
This man had a check. A single check. Not even a whole checkbook. One check. No ID to match him to the check. I told him I could not take that check without an ID that proved he has the right to use it.
He tried to guilt me that his little boys needed milk. From our observance, the boy was more in need of socks and shoes than milk. It's fucking December, dude. In fucking Pennsylvania. It's fucking cold out, man. Get that kid some fucking shoes.
I was not in the mood to be guilted, anyway.
I told him that I had nothing that verified that this check was his, and these measures are in place for the protection of the account holder and his or her finances.
He informed me that I'd have his signature.
I informed him that I didn't see what I would be able to check that signature against, could he not provide me with a government-issued ID.
He informed me that he didn't understand how these measures protected him.
I explained to him that I could take that check from his hand, go to Best Buy and buy myself a nice TV or something, and if they didn't check my ID, he'd be out a nice chunk of change, now wouldn't he?
He informed me that this made no sense.
I informed him that there was nothing I could or would do for him.
He informed me that I was an asshole.
I informed him that I may not always like my job, but I had no intentions of losing it.
He walked away, and as he got some distance, shouted back that he ought to punch me in the fucking face.
I replied that that sounded rather like a threat, and perhaps I should call the police, or some such.
He continued on his unmerry little "I didn't get my way" out the door, and I wrestled with myself to keep from following him into the parking lot, to teach his two little boys, using daddy as an example, a lesson about why you never speak to people in that manner.
Now the joke about work has been that "somebody's gonna get punched". One of the other managers mentioned to me the following night about how she had had a jagoff of her own that day, and after she finished her story, I said, "Well, but did he offer to punch you in the face?"
She laughed, and told me about how someone who had been standing there when I dealt with mine had told her about how I was so cool and collected while he got madder and madder and threatened me. She asked me what I did about it, and I told her that I just chuckled, shook my head, and got on with my life.
And quite honestly, I will not be gotten into trouble for it, should he get the wise idea to call the boss or whatever. It's not as though I don't have four people who would stand witness for me, two cashiers and two supervisors, from two separate shifts.
And then there's the cards thing. I will probably have the US and Canadian cards sneaking in under the deadline, barely. The one in Australia will probably go late. As the card to Israel. I apologise. Sometimes it's HARD to find your way to the post office while working the overnight shift... plus, I've been sick, but I'm finally over it, I think! I'm at about 99% anyway.
Is it 2009 yet?
I guess that's all, folks.
(Funny timing for this song to come on.)
holiday cards,
holiday spirit,
customers suck