Dude, what is this on my face?

Jul 01, 2010 20:26

So annoying: I have this red spot on the left side of my nose that I think is a dilated or broken capillary (my doctor agrees). Unfortunately (even more unfortunate than having a red spot on my nose), it's so close to the skin that for the last 2 days any time I blow my nose or sneeze or dry my face after washing it, the stupid thing starts bleeding and will not stop for like an hour.

So I've had various band aids on my nose for the last 2 days. Which sucks, because then the skin can't breathe and heal, but I also can't risk my nose gushing blood at inopportune moments - or any time, really, because then I have to use one hand to hold a kleenex up to my nose. Yeah, it's super lame. I asked my doctor if I should see a dermatologist and he said I definitely could and he'd give me a referral so I could get it cauterized to stop this annoyance.

I feel kind of whiny complaining about it, because aside from the 1st trimester (*morning* sickness? Hells, no! More like 24/7 sickness!), I think I've had the easiest pregnancy ever. But, srsly: my nose? Like, the one right on the front of my face? That's not fair. I don't wanna be a band aid face!

But I digress. Two weeks (or so) to go! Then baby will be here and the last thing on my mind will be my band aid nose. :)

Here's a picture of the nursery. It's from a few weeks ago, so it's all done now (mobile, monitor, more stuff put away, etc), but I thought I'd share anyway.

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