Boundaries? What boundaries?

Jul 13, 2012 16:30

No gimmicks, no tricks: look, it's chapter six! (Five, four/three, two, one.)

Chapter 06: A New Teacher and Annoying Sirius Black

I just love how very matter-of-fact these chapter titles are.

Sara filled Shelbie in with where to meet her, Bailey, and Hermione. Shelbie agreed and the two started talking.

...because previously they'd been communicating through morse code?

"Do you like Potions?" Shelbie asked.

"Well, considering my Uncle is a Potions Master, I never got a chance to dislike it. But yeah, I think it's fun. Potions and Defense are my favorite classes, and now I'll bet Defense is my cousin's favorite class." Sara replied, grinning evilly


"Because she likes Professor Lupin."

"Ahh, yeah, one of my friends in Ravenclaw likes him too."

"So, Shelbie, which class is your gorgeous father teaching?"

Not a weird thing to say at all.

Sara asked, glancing up at the Head Table. Professor Covington was sitting next to her Uncle and Remus.

Shelbie rolled her eyes. "Arithmancy."

Sara choked on the bit of food she had just put in her mouth. "You're kidding?! I have that next. Thank you, Merlin!" Sara laughed. "If you don't mind my asking, why would your mother divorce such a lovely creature?"

Holy personal question, Batman.

Shelbie shook her head. "He's bi, and my mother found out and thought it was "utterly appalling" and "immoral" that he could like men and women, so she divorced him. It makes me wonder if... never mind."

Sara looked at Shelbie piercingly.

Oooh, piercingly. There's a word that means business.

"It makes you wonder what?"

"Nothing, it's nothing."

Well, I'm convinced.

"It doesn't sound like nothing."

"I don't want to talk about it right now."

Sara nodded. "Fine, but eventually we will talk about this." she paused. "I still can't believe someone could be that narrow-minded about something like sexual orientation. It's not like he was cheating on her with a guy, was he?"

Or, presumably, anyone of any gender...

"No, he wasn't."

Sara rolled her eyes. "Some people are just stupid. No offense to your mother."

Nah, I'm actually totally cool with her taking offense.

"It's okay; I thought it was pretty stupid too."

"Ha, the mutt is sitting next to Sev! I'm sure they both just love that!" Sara randomly changed the subject.

Ow, my neck.

"The mutt?" Shelbie inquired.

"Sirius Black." Sara sneered.

I dunno why but this mental image just made me crack the fuck up. I want to randomly go around sneering as I say the name Sirius Black now.

"Not a fan?"

"Not by half. Moron tried to kill my Uncle, if he would have succeeded, he would have screwed up Remus' life. I'll have to tell you that tale sometime."

"Remus? Oh, you know Professor Lupin."

"Yeah, he's practically another Uncle to me.

Duh. I have to be even more special.

Sev has always had a soft spot for him,

He...has? Since when?

even if he doesn't show it in public,

Or in private. Or ever, really.

but then, he is a pretty private person... and really stubborn." she added the last bit as an afterthought.

"Well, it's almost time to leave. I'll see you after dinner then."

"Technically, you'll see me at dinner too." Sara smiled. "But you're right, we do have to leave. I'll see ya later." Sara happily made her way to her Arithmancy classroom and sat somewhere near the front. Luckily Hermione walked in the classroom right after her. "Sit here." Sara smiled, indicating next to her and Hermione smiled back and nodded.

"Apparently, Professor Vector isn't teaching this class anymore." Hermione said to her.

Well of course not. I had to make room for my love interest, Hermione. Duh.

"Is that who originally taught it? All I know is that the new teacher is that gorgeous man with the black hair and blue eyes."

"Oh, so I wasn't the only one to notice him?" Hermione smirked.

"Not at all, my fine friend, but I'd advise you to stick to Draco, and let me handle this new guy."

Hey. Hey. I got this.

Hermione laughed. "Have fun with that."

"Oh I plan to have a lot of fun." at that Hermione and Sara starting laughing hysterically, just as the Professor walked in.


"What's so funny?" he asked.

"Nothing Professor." Sara answered innocently, covertly giving him the once over. "Nothing at all." she smirked. The Professor

...when did this turn into Gilligan's Island? Not that I'm complaining. The Professor/Me was my first ever ship. XD

wasn't entirely sure why he didn't believe her or was he sure why he thought she had just checked him out. You're going insane, Greg, he thought to himself, shaking his head.

Lol, I love that fic!me is totally just...fucking with his head.

After the rest of the class had filed in, Hermione raised her hand. "Yes, Miss Granger?"

"Sir, what happened to Professor Vector?"

"Professor Vector is having some family problems, and she thought it would be best to take some time off for awhile." he explained. "Now, I'm going to pass out these number charts, please study them carefully." he passed them out and he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Of course you're being watched! You're a teacher for Merlin's sake! But it seemed almost predatory somehow and it gave him the shivers. Looking around the room, he caught a few female students staring, and when he did, they blushed and looked away. Okay, just a few girls with crushes... nothing I can't handle. He kept looking and his eyes locked with the one of the girls who had been laughing when he walked in. She didn't turn away and she didn't blush. What's her name? Miss... Snape? I have a Snape in my class! This should be interesting. After a few minutes of some odd staring contest, Greg looked away, but he didn't miss the satisfied smirk on Sara's face before she started examining her number chart. I wonder what's up with her?

Hahaha, okay, I know this is totally absurd and inappropriate and strange but dammit all I do kind of love that fic!me is the one with agency here and is obviously being the agressor, because it is such a step up from my WLiiA? badfic series where fic!me just kind of stood around and let things happen to her.

Not that it's anything less than completely ridiculous, of course. I'm just happy to see that particular kind of growth.

After the class had ended, Sara trailed behind. "You know, Professor." she'd started when everyone else had left. "Arithmancy has always fascinated me. It'd be wonderful if they started apprenticeships, don't you think?"

"Yeah, that would be great." he smiled, wondering why he was becoming nervous.

"Who knows, maybe they will." Sara winked at him before walking out of the classroom.

"Well... that was interesting." he breathed to himself.

Dude, did I sort of accidentally put in some D/s-y vibes here? Talk about prescience.

Sara cackled to herself as she walked to her next class. That went great! I can tell I certainly made an impression! Now to make Sirius Black's life a living hell.

One word, fic!me: curtains.

She entered the class room and sat down in the back this time, whereas normally, she would sit near the front. She motioned to Draco to sit next to her. Hermione, Ron, and Harry had just sat down in the front of the class.

I would bother trying to figure out the actual order of all that happening if I cared.

"Yes?" he drawled sitting down next to her.

"I'll be honest with you Draco, you strike me as a bit of an arrogant prat... well, more than a bit, but that's not the point. Tell me something, what do you think of Hermione Granger?"

"What about her?" Draco sneered.

"Try being honest, because if you're not I nicked some of the Veritaserum we made in Potions and I won't hesitate to use it."

"She's fine. I guess." Draco answered reluctantly.

Well, that's a declaration of love if I've ever heard one. I can only hope that some day someone I deeply cherish will reluctantly tell me that they guess I'm fine.

"Ah, thank you Draco, that's all I needed to know. Now, I have an idea. You know the mutt that teaches this class? Well, I don't like him, and I'd like your help in annoying the hell out of him. In return, I think I can set you up with Hermione."

Draco scowled at being read so easily,

Dude, she can read the narrative. You think you're a challenge?

but then said. "Why don't you like him? Not that I care one way or another, because I don't personally like him either."

"I have my reasons." Sara said dismissively. She may be willing to work with Draco Malfoy, but that didn't mean she trusted him.

"Fine, I'll help."

"Good, good. Here's what we'll do..."

A few minutes later, class started and Sirius entered. Unlike the other teachers, he started with a roll call.

How nice of him to immediately force an interaction.

When he got to Sara's name he looked up. "Miss... Snape?"

"I wasn't aware Snape was that difficult to pronounce. But yes, you said it correctly." Sara rolled her eyes and Sirius' eyes narrowed.

"You're definitely related to Severus Snape then."

No, no, I'm of the Boston Snapes, obviously. No relation.

"Of course. Surely you're not implying that is a bad thing? Because that would be talking bad about a colleague and I know you wouldn't do something like that." Sara replied innocently.

"5 points from Slytherin for your cheek."

"Which cheek?" Sara raised her eyebrows suggestively, and Black burned red.

"Another 10 points for an inappropriate comment!" he replied.

"Wow, look who has their mind in the gutter." Sara answered.

"Miss Snape, would you like a detention?" Black asked threateningly.

"Ah, but with whom? Snape?" the class laughed. "Or yourself? Maybe Lupin? Wow, those possibilities absolutely terrify me." At this Snape walked in the door.

Shouldn't he be teaching a class?

"Black, I cannot find Lupin so I am leaving his potion with you."

Shouldn't Lupin also be teaching a class? Why has he vanished? Does Hogwarts have an only-one-class-taught-at-a-time policy or something?

he sneered. "I trust you are not treating my niece unfairly?"

"Me treating her unfairly? Try the other way around!"

"Tsk, tsk, you can't even control an 18 year old girl?

She is a Sue, Snape. They're notoriously uncontrollable.

What does that say about your teaching methods?" Severus smirked at his niece. Ah, she definitely makes me proud, he thought.

"Leave, Snape." Black replied through clenched teeth.

"Surely you don't think I'd like to stay around here with you, do you?"

Also, you know. There's that pesky teaching job you should probably see to.

and with a swish of his robes, he was gone.

"Now that he is out of the way, Miss Snape, you will respect me as I am your Professor, I'll have no more disrespect from you, is that clear?"

"Crystal, sir." she added the 'sir' mockingly.

Glaring, he started his lesson.


SIRIUS: Before I start, are there any general questions?

[STUDENT raises her hand.]


STUDENT: Um, Professor Black, how is it that you're teaching this class when you're technically, um, you know. Dead?


STUDENT: And why photography? Do you have any background in photography?

SIRIUS: Well, no--

STUDENT: Do you have any teaching qualifications at all?

SIRIUS: Not exact--

STUDENT: So why are you here again?



SIRIUS: Ahem. Let's begin.


The lesson ended soon enough,

That was quick.

and Sara whispered to Draco. "Remember, get everything I mentioned for next class."

"I will, just uphold your end of the deal."

Sara smiled, "Oh, don't worry about that." and she walked to catch up with Hermione, Ron, and Harry.

"Why were you so mean to Sirius?" Harry asked.

Because he's eeeeeeeevil, obviously.

"He deserves it. Surely you know he nearly killed my Uncle."

"Yes, I do, but I don't think he intended for him to get killed, it was just a prank." Harry replied.

"Harry, let's say this 'prank' had succeeded and your father hadn't been there. Lupin is a werewolf okay, and werewolves are dangerous. They were especially dangerous back then because the Wolfsbane hadn't been invented yet. When a werewolf transforms and it doesn't have the potion, all human senses are lost. They become the wolf. Lupin would have attacked my Uncle because he wouldn't have known any better; that's what his instincts would have told him to do. Now, imagine it really happened, and my Uncle ended up dead. How do you think that would have made Lupin feel after he had found out about he had done? Who knows what could have happened... I mean, he could've been killed for it. You know the Ministry is biased and prejudiced! Even if he wasn't killed for it, how would you like to live with knowing you killed another human being?"

This is actually why Lupin is the character I feel for the most in this whole scenario. And if I had been him, as soon as I changed back after this happened, I would have kicked the shit out of Sirius.

"You know, I never thought about it that way." Harry admitted.

"Yes, well I have and suffice to say, Black is not one of my favorite people. Lupin however, I love, I think it's nearly impossible to not like him, he's so cheerful and friendly, and he's been like another Uncle to me. The Order isn't something new, it's been around since the first war..." she trailed off.

Wait, what? What does the Order have to do with any of this?

"When you put it that way, Sara, it sounds like Sirius was being a jackass." Ron spoke up.

"Quite." Sara smirked.

"No offense, Sara, but you sounded just like Snape when you said that." Ron shuddered.

I'm sure that totally wasn't intentional.

"I don't take sounding like my Uncle as offensive. I love my Uncle, he and I are really close." Sara smiled. "Remember, Hermione, after dinner." she added before heading off to her table.

"Did she just say she loved Snape?" Ron asked in disbelief.

Harry laughed. "I do believe she did." he added. Hermione noticed there was a slight wistfulness to his voice. "What did she mean about 'after dinner'?"

"Oh, we're meeting to study something for Arithmancy." Hermione lied; she had become a much better liar over the years.

See, now, Hermione, she could be your Secret Keeper. She's wily.

"I don't know why you'd want to waste your time studying right before bed. Just think! Dreaming of homework!" Ron shook his head and Hermione and Harry laughed.

Oh, that Ron. What a rascal--a rapscallion, if you will.

Oh, story.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there.

*facepalm*, oh god this is embarrassing, bad!fic, harry potter, self-mock

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