A meme, since my brain decided I should wake up at four. Comment and I will give you seven questions to answer!
From Kat:
1. Favorite minor PF character?
Fffffff, there are so many awesome ones! You know what, you get one from each tier.
First tier minor--Dan. He didn't exist until 2009, which is roughly three years after the beginning of PF. And then he only existed as an unnamed bartender. Look at what he's become! And basically all because I typo'd "glass" as "class" in his intro fic and Kelly and I decided we liked him. Characters, man. Idek.
Second tier minor--Eileen. We always knew she was awesome; I just didn't know exactly how awesome until I started writing her. She is delightful and devious and kind and caring and basically a hundred different levels of amazing. I adore her to pieces.
Third tier minor--Okay, this one's a tie. Simon and Sam. Sam who DID NOT EXIST until mid last year and even then only because of an AU (though he is, obviously, around in canon, just way less frequently) but who has thoroughly, thoroughly wormed his way into my heart. And Simon I've always loved, what with the Apocalypse AU, his friendship with Jeannette, his grumpy but sekritly kind-hearted demeanor, his relationship with Stacy...all of it.
2. Where did The Sun From Both Sides come from?
It came from a vague desire of mine to want something that dealt with poly relationships while skipping over the oh-so-dramatic and oh-so-overused "Can This Actually Work?" cliche and start initially from a place of "Well, Of Course It Can, With The Right People, It's Like Any Relationship."
Basically, I wanted to explore the ups and downs of these relationships without having to first put the entire type of relationship on trial. The running theme behind TSFBS isn't "oh no can this really work!?" it's "okay, what makes this work?"
Initially, I actually thought Brian, Mary, and Anne and Rachel, Charlie, Jon, and Greg composed two different stories, but they kept insisting they went together. I wasn't sure why for awhile--this story has changed itself a lot on me since the initial conception, but each time it's sprung something new on me, it's made me love it all the more, so I'm not complaining.
How it's turned into them unknowingly affecting each other, with the contrast of their struggles (Brian, Mary, and Anne face largely external pressure; Rachel, Charlie, Jon, and Greg face largely internal ones) is something I really like a lot and enjoy getting into.
3. Favorite ship, fandom or original.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME KAT. ARE. YOU. KIDDING ME. And you people say I'M evil!
I don't even know WHERE to start, oh my god. Okay, we're going to break this down. You are getting way more than just one ship, because that's IMPOSSIBLE.
Fandom: Let's see. God. Okay, narrowing this down to (relatively) happy ships. If I included my favorite destructive ships, we'd be here way too long. Here we go, top five (I think): Leverage--Hardison/Parker/Eliot, I ship that OT3 like it is my job. Burn Notice--also an OT3, Sam/Michael/Fi. Sports Night--Dan/Casey. M*A*S*H--Hawkeye/Sidney. Criminal Minds--Hotch/Rossi.
Original: Oh geez. This is not any easier. My top PF OTPs include: John/Owen, Is/Jeremy, Betta/George, Torey/Eileen, Johnny/Michael (SOMEHOW THIS HAPPENED, I blame Geena and Kelly), and Adamo/Zach. But that is not by any means all the pairings I love, because there are a lot.
4. Favorite PF AU?
Oh goddamn, again with the evil. There are only a billion and ten to choose from, after all! I think here I'll have to go with Pan Torey AU, because Sam and Eileen fell in desperate platonic love on us and basically it is the most fun thing ever. Besides, I adore both Torey/Eileen and Torey/Sam, and this gives us both!
And really, how could I resist an AU that provides ample excuses for bewildering Torey? He's just so much fun to bewilder.
5. Favorite M*A*S*H episode?
...Imma half-second away from handing you my evil crown, are you even kidding me.
God. Okay. Even if I just say "any Sidney episode" that still leaves twelve episodes to pick from. And it also totally ignores other awesome episodes like "Mulcahy's War" or "Morale Victory" or "Run For The Money" or "Where There's A Will, There's A War" or "The Party" or "Death Takes A Holiday" or or or or.
Okay, fine. I'll have to go with "Dear Sigmund", season five. Sidney views the 4077th as his vacation spot, I love that ridiculously. Oh Sidney. Besides, his insights into the other characters are perfect, and the only thing I think that could have made it better if it had been a Charles episode rather than a Frank one.
6. Least favorite kitty behavior?
Okay. I love her, I do, she is adorable and cuddly when she wants to be, but she is THE BIGGEST SHIT IN THE WORLD. She will blatantly beg and when that doesn't work, attempt to steal your food outright, and she's succeeded at this more than once. She attempts to steal ZIVA'S FOOD, which should give you an indicator of just how fucking fearless she is. She gets on tables and counters (our cats are not allowed) and basically gives you a "What?" look when you spot her. She will FLING HER BODY UP IN THE AIR to try to grab whatever you may be holding if you're making something in the kitchen, be it a bag of cheese or a ZUCCHINI or whatever.
And getting sprayed by water does not faze her for long.
Oh, Donna. She is my ridiculously stubborn, fearless shithead.
7. Favorite comic strip?
This one's tough because I've never been much of a comics person. Old-school-newspaper-wise, I'd have to say Garfield, because it's a childhood love I haven't fully grown out of. Actually-born-after-the-1970s-and-no-longer-depend-on-print-media-wise, I'll say Hyperbole and a Half. I think that counts.
There's that. Now, maybe writing.
This entry was originally posted at
http://sarcasticsra.dreamwidth.org/317351.html. Please comment there.