Stolen from various people on my flist:
1. Pick a hot guy... take a moment to think.
2. Is this really the guy you want?
3. Pick his top 10 hottest, cutest, most irresistible pictures.
I picked Stephen. Raise your hand if you're remotely surprised.
Mmm...I love jacketless men wearing ties.
Gotta love suspenders.
Is it just me, or does Stephen look like someone snogged him thoroughly shortly before this picture was taken?
Oral fixations are hot.
Mmm, jeans.
Fluffy hair! And look at that smile!
I'm not sure why Stephen enjoys being photographed in his boxers, but I'm not complaining.
Fluffy!ruffled!hair!Stephen combined with tux!Stephen plus an added bonus of hot!wife? I love this picture. The both of them are gorgeous.
I like to use this picture as my heterosexuality barometer. If my eyes first go to Stephen, clearly I'm in my usual 'mostly straight' designation. If my eyes first go to that woman's (the one closest to Stephen) hips, despite the presence of Stephen's hot, I'm obviously a little gayer than usual. =P
What pic!spam of Stephen would be complete without The Orgasm Picture? (Thus labeled since it caused simultaneous orgasms in his fangirls [and fanboys, too, I'm sure] across the country.)
Bonus pic #1. I love that shirt, for some reason.
Why is this picture hot? I don't know, but it is.
And another meme. It's apparently called 'The Controversial Meme.'
Would you do meth if it was legalized?
Uh, no. I have no desire to do any drugs, legal or otherwise.
Are you for or against abortion?
This question is framed wrong. It’d be more effective to ask, “Do you think abortion should stay legal?” I’ve always been pro-choice. I have no idea if I could ever get an abortion myself, but I know it’s certainly not my right to decide that for other women.
Would our country (United States) fall with a woman president?
Um. No.
Do you believe in the death penalty?
Do I believe in it? It’s not the tooth fairy. It exists, whether or not I think it’s a good thing. I don’t, for the record; it’s exorbitantly expensive, not a deterrent, and our legal system does not recognize revenge as a justifiable reason for killing.
Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
I’m not, you know, wishing on stars, or rubbing lamps, or anything, but yeah, I think marijuana should at least be decriminalized to a large extent. At the very least for medicine.
Do you believe in God?
Occasionally. I never really know. I’ve been agnostic for awhile, and I think I’ll probably stay that way. Sometimes I think that there has to be a God, and sometimes I think there’s no way it’s possible. I do know that I don’t buy into this weird micromanagement thing. An omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent being is going to flip his shit because you had a burger on Friday? Really?
Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Absolutely. There’s no reason that it shouldn’t be.
Do you think it’s wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?, what? No, I don’t.
A twelve year old girl has a baby...should she keep it?
I’d have to say no. It takes a lot to raise a baby, both in financial and emotional resources. I sincerely doubt a twelve-year-old is going to be able to provide satisfactorily.
Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
Yes. It’s always struck me as odd that you become a legal adult at age 18, but are still being told what you can and cannot consume. And I say this as someone who drinks very rarely.
Assisted suicide is you agree?
I don’t, especially in cases where the person is terminally sick and in pain.
Do you believe in spanking your children?
Again with the “believe in it” wording. Anyway, I think it’s mostly just a euphemism some folks like to use so we don’t call them bad people for hitting their kids.
Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
...for a million dollars? Uh, yes. I’d do a lot of things for a million dollars. Besides, it’s just a flag. I don’t have that much attachment to symbols.
A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, do you agree?
Temporary insanity? I sincerely doubt she’d get off on temporary insanity. Insanity, sure-she’d be locked up in some sort of institution for the rest of her life, as she likely should be. But temporary insanity? That’s very rarely used as a defense, and works even more rarely.
Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
No, I think most of these answers are old meme.
And now I go...pretend to sleep. Or something.