Jan 31, 2004 11:39
There is no good way to begin an entry like this.
So apparently my friends arent my friends. Well, they were my friends, it just so happened that it wasnt a two-way deal. Thursday night there was a trip to the liqour store, as i had promised i would drive them. Shock - buying a 30 and a bottle of vodka isnt enough for the assholes that decided 35 grand isnt enough to spend on college, lets just throw that away anyway and drink on a nightly basis. Well, to begin with thats already showing your supreme intelligence.
Friday afternoon rolls around. It is 4 PM and I am taking a nap after classes. I have the adorable little away message up that says napping, and if thats not obvious enough then when he walked in he could have just seen me asleep in my bed.. its not like theres an obstructed view from the door to my bed or anything. Well, in this boys infinite wisdom he decides to lift up my blanket... Mind you, if someone is sleeping in a room by themselves, how are they going to react when a person randomly picks up the blanket and holds it there? I get startled awake. turn to him and say, what? in response i get a "forget it, youre probably already pissed"... now this goes back and forth for a few seconds of my saying "well i was asleep but what is it now?" until the individual decides to retreat back to his pot filled temple.. at about 5 i finally sit down at my computer and take away my away message. The first few IM's i get are from the person that woke me up and his mentally ill roommate. Both saying "Cheryl, we need to go to the liqour store" or "We need beeeeeeer".
How the fuck should i feel?
This is what i was woken up for? This is the FIRST thing that is said to me? Not, cheryl, sorry about waking you up before... or, hey cheryl, hows your day going. Nope. Apparently we look at cheryl and see no vital organs, we see only a mode of transportation. my response? fuck you, leave me alone. I officially feel like the biggest jackass for not realizing it sooner.
But wait! it gets better.... So, actually thinking that me being hurt or something might effect the people that ive spent the majority of my time with for the past 5 months, I decided to do other things with my night until i get an apology. Which isnt that hard because, luckily, i have plenty of other wonderful people that i can hang out with and KNOW theyre not using me. So, after playing the jew-girl game, going to shabbos dinner and singing zmirot, I head over to courts for some fun movie time with her and tiff, and bri came over so it was awesome. A little girls night in. After the movie ended around 1, i headed over to zachs where there were a few people hanging out and drinking. Oh mind you, by this point one person of the group that i was on good terms with had called to find out if i would be coming over at all. I told him no, and explained that until I got a formal apology and what not, i have no intentions of wasting my time there. We hang up and i figure that maybe, possibly, they feel bad and miss hanging out with me. Yeah. Right.
So zach and I were talking and the subject of hookah comes up, i mention i have one, zach gets really excited and we all decide to go back to my room so zach can get a hookah fix. Fine, fun, dandy. Problem. I need to stop off by where the mean people live to pick up my hookah... see, for some reason, with all the time i spend there i feel capable of leaving my stuff even after one of them broke a piece of it (but he payed me for it so im not pissed). I walk into the room, my friends in tow behind me. And low and behold... when i say low, i mean LOW... There they all are, sitting around MY hookah, smoking MY tobacco. Wow. and i thought they couldnt be more assholes then they had already been earlier that afternoon. I take my hookah and leave... For those jewish people reading this, the only term i can muster up to say about this whole thing is Chutzpa. I think that covers it. Oh, and schmuck. much better.
Im shocked and hurt for a few reasons. To begin with i totally didnt think i was the type of person that would get used.. i didnt think i was that nice to begin with, which apparently people were right, i can be too nice sometimes. Im also hurt because, well, to be honest I totally didnt expect them to be such dicks.. and thirdly im not happy because a very attractive boy once warned me, saying how could i know that theyre truly my friends if theyre always fucked up and out of it? Well, attractive boy with good hair, live it up. You were right and im a schmuck for not listening.
Thats about it for this entry. I like to officially refer to this as my first bitching people out entry. Mind you, no names were used in an effort to protect the assholes for no reason what-so-ever, i just felt it was a moral obligation. I was going to add more to this entry but i decided that a bitching people out entry is best to be left just that, to bitch people out. I would hate to take away from that.
Cheryl has left the entry page.
i had a bad day again/she said i would not understand/she left a note and said im sorry i had bad day again/spilled her coffee, broke her shoelace.../ she left a note and said im sorry, i had a bad day....