For the record...

Jan 30, 2004 21:40

while yes, i do suck a great deal, my not updating lately has not been completely my fault.  I would like all of you to thank the bastards at DELL for my inablitiy to amuse you.  My computer had taken on a very mean grudge against me over the course of the last week and a half.  The last time I had the chance to thoroughly catch everyone up to date on what was going on in the life o' cheryl, this evil piece of technology let me write for an hour and a half only to shut down as i went to update.  Bastard.  I would have shot it but due to a lack of money and inability to buy myself a new one i have been forced to, ugh, deal with it.   This entry, i assure you, will be half-assed due to the fact that its 9*45 on a friday night and cheryl has drinking to get to. 
Oh college....

Right so, whats new?  Classes started.. oh, about a week and a half ago.  Books are expensive, naps are few and far between (which is enough to be depressed about), and this guy that i really like is in st. louis.  But heres my schedule anyway...
Monday & Wednesday ~ 10*30 Math, 11*30 AS, 12*30 Western Civ, 1*30-2*45 Sociology
Tuesday & Thursday~  1*30 Psych, 2*55 English
Friday~ 10*30 Math, 12*30 Western Civ
Yeah, monday and wednesday i go straight without a single break.  I figure its a surefire means of teaching myself anorexia.  Freshmen 15, i scoff at thee....

Back at the u of ha things went really unsmoothly the first night.  Cheryl brought back a 20 of budlight and plenty of vodka.  The bud was stored in jeff and nicks fridge, with the box thoughtfully disgarded to the middle of the floor.  Of course, the RAs came around, saw the box, and in the end the sinks got shitfaced and we did not... well, thats a lie, there was still plenty of vodka.   What else... uh, Krazy Karl funnled and almost killed himself.  You can still smell his neardeath in the common room.  And by killing himself i of course mean two beers.  Nothing all that exciting otherwise..  I had so much written last time but i cant remember any of it now.  oh well.

Ive been spending the majority of my time in courts dorm because, it is of course, the only place to be for hot lesbian sex... and we know how much i just love me some hot lesbian sex.  But yeah, everyone there is awesome, made a new bermudian friend named Kendia... the girl is truly crazy and has more stories then disney, so much fun to be around.  I would continue updating but I should be getting over to my courts room.  Later on there will be drinking with zach and the like.  Good times for all!

I wont say that ill update the rest later because everytime i say that i dont get back to it for another two weeks so...
Yeah, ill get to it whenever i damn well please.

I dont know how you do what you do, Im so in love with you....
Baby im amazed by you.
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