100 Chruce Drabbles - Prompts 11 to 15 - T - Chloe/Bruce

Sep 08, 2008 17:19

Title: For Now
Category: Smallville/Batman Crossover
Rating: K+
Genre: Drama/Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Bruce
Prompt: #011 - Element
Community: ficlets100
Word Count: 104
Summary: He was way out of his element with her.
For Now

He was way out of his element with her. The women he'd known were vastly different; lacking in the sharp wit, intelligence and quick reflexes that one Chloe Sullivan packed in her petite form. She could leave him speechless with a well played snarky remark, walking away with a sway to her hips and a mocking smirk and all he could do was watch after her, wishing he could follow. But he wouldn't, because as much as he wanted her, he couldn't have her. She deserved better than the Dark Knight. He'd stick to what he knew and she'd find someone safer. For now.

Title: Entirely Interested
Category: Smallville/Batman Crossover
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Bruce
Prompt: #012 - Green
Community: ficlets100
Word Count: 106
Summary: The first that attracted him to her was her eyes... 
Entirely Interested

The first that attracted him to her was her eyes; such a vibrant and intoxicating green that he could pick them out from a crowd easily. He met her late one night, Gotham running wild with vicious indecency. She wasn't cowering or rushing home, instead she beat off the guy going for her purse, shook her head at him and walked off, sighing about idiots and how it wasn't even worth it, since her purse was a total knock off. She nearly walked right into him, turning surprised green eyes up at him, snorted at his get up and then continued on. He was entirely interested.

Title: Bubble Bath
Category: Smallville/Batman Crossover
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Bruce
Prompt: #013 - Bubble
Community: ficlets100
Word Count: 99
Summary: He'd always been a shower guy; baths seemed to feminine. But... 
Bubble Bath

He'd always been a shower guy; baths seemed too feminine. But after a night of battling off the worst of Gotham, it wasn't hard for her to convince him to give into a relaxing bath. He learned quickly that bath's weren't so bad, not when he had her in it with him, wearing nothing but white bubbles and a saucy grin. She leaned into him, running a hand down his chest before dipping it beneath the water and between his legs as she moved to lie across him. He loved baths after that, so long as she joined him.

Title: Fearful Loving
Category: Smallville/Batman Crossover
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance/Drama
Pairing: Chloe/Bruce
Prompt: #014 - Reach
Community: ficlets100
Word Count: 103
Summary: The right woman for him was always out of reach. 
Fearful Loving

The right woman for him was always out of reach. He maintained the excuse that was best if it stayed that way, that he shouldn't try too hard to get her attention seeing as if anything were to happen between them, she'd be in more danger than usual. Even though she was well acquainted with near-death and danger appeared to shadow her, he didn't want to add to it. Alfred was certain he was just afraid. But he, Bruce Wayne, Batman, didn't fear anything. Except that he might already love one Chloe Sullivan and if he gave in, she could love him too.

Title: That Face
Category: Smallville/Batman Crossover
Rating: K+
Genre: General
Pairing: Chloe/Bruce
Prompt: #015 - Face
Community: ficlets100
Word Count: 106
Summary: There was something about his face that she recognized... 
That Face

There was something about his face that she recognized; which was really quite ridiculous because he was wearing a cowl that left only enough space for his eyes and his mouth. But, as she stared at him, she was certain she knew him. Maybe it was the lips or the way the mask hugged his face that made most of the angles recognizable. Or maybe it was just investigator's intuition. But as she gazed at Batman while he flew through the air, carrying her in his strong arms, away from the mobsters aiming their many guns at her, she was sure... She'd seen that face before.

[ Next: Prompts 16 to 20.]

drabble - batman: tdk/sv - chruce, author: sarcastic_fina, fic: 100 chruce drabbles, crossover: batman/smallville, ship: chloe/bruce, status: complete

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