100 Chlean Drabbles - T - Prompts 11 to 15

Sep 08, 2008 17:03

Title: Breathe
Category: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: T
Genre: Angst/Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #011 - Under
Word Count: 107
Summary: He felt like he was drowning.

He felt like he was drowning. He returned from Hell and as much as the people around him wanted to pretend that everything was good, it wasn't. It was like he was choking; as if any second somebody was going to grab him and drag him back. He could barely sleep or eat or breathe. He was on constant alert; armed and ready. But it never came. And when she showed up, he was starting to feel like he was just lost. But then she grabbed his hand and promised that if he went under, she'd pull him back up. For some reason, he could breathe again.

Title: Target
Category: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: K
Genre: Drama/Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #012 - Field
Word Count: 106
Summary: She wouldn't stop nagging him.


She wouldn't stop nagging him. She wanted in the field; she figured she could handle it. For the longest time, he kept her behind the computer, it was much safer. And for awhile, she accepted that. He should've known better. She never left the subject alone; every second sentence out of her mouth had to do with her joining them. Sam just shrugged; he didn't see anything wrong with it. But Dean did. Bringing Chloe into the field meant that she'd be out in the open, a target, and he couldn't accept that. So he continued to deny it, for as long as he possibly could.

Title: Idiots In Love
Category: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: K+
Genre: Humor/Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #013 - Trade
Word Count: 113
Summary: A squabble over M&M's and a laptop means Sam must intervene, as usual.

Idiots In Love

"You give me the laptop first," Chloe ordered, brow lifted.

"Uh uh, sister. Hand me the M&M's, you get your precious computer back."

"If I find one porn site on my history, you're going out the window, Winchester."

"I wasn't looking up porn!" He rolled his eyes. "You blocked all the good sites anyway. Now gimme my candy!"

"Gimme my computer first!"

"Why don't you guys trade at the same time?" Sam suggested.

They frowned a moment before nodding to each other.

"'Kay, on three..."




Dean tossed the laptop and caught his M&M's.

Glaring at each other, they walked in separate directions.

Sam sighed, shaking his head. "Idiots in love."

Title: Curiosity
Category: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: K+
Genre: General
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #014 - Destiny
Word Count: 116
Summary: "Do you believe in destiny?" she wondered quietly.


"Do you believe in destiny?" she wondered, quietly.

They were sitting in a tree, doing recon on a few guys living out in the woods. It was dark, there was a branch pressing into her back, and she couldn't really see Dean's face.

He grunted. "If I've got one, it's pretty crappy so far."

She snorted. "Yeah, I think I can relate."

He turned, staring at her and she knew, without having to see his face that he was cocking a brow. "What's with the sudden question, Blondie?" Not what he wanted to say, but she'd bite.

She shrugged. "Curiosity."

He grunted, turning back around and lifting the binoculars once more. End of discussion, she supposed.

Title: Good Man
Category: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: T
Genre: Angst/Tragedy
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #015 - Heaven
Word Count: 110
Summary: Chloe Sullivan was a firm believer in good and bad; she'd seen it first hand.

Good Man

Chloe Sullivan was a firm believer in good and bad; she'd seen it first hand. And she knew, without a doubt, that Dean Winchester was on the right side, that he was a good man. So while she cradled him in her arms as he bled profusely, staring up at her with wide eyes and red liquid bubbling from his lips as she sobbed his name over and over, all she could do was pray that someone else out there realized what she had. Because more than many, he deserved to go to heaven and not hell. If her powers wouldn't help her save him, then she hoped God would.

crossover: supernatural/smallville, author: sarcastic_fina, ship: chloe/dean, fic: 100 chlean drabbles

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