Feb 21, 2013 08:01
Why is it that because I'm pregnant people suddenly are interested in--and feel they must ask me about--my health and physical well-being? This thing growing inside me means you suddenly care where you never did before? They aren't asking to be invasive or rude, and I'm not angry about it...I'm just confuzzled. Then again, I realize I have done the same thing to those I have known who were pregnant.
Also...Flying Spaghetti Monster help the first person who touches my stomach without asking permission. Just because I'm pregnant does not mean that my body is suddenly something you get to touch at will. My personal space did not change because I'm knocked up, so don't you dare assume you get to touch me. I have already told my father this, when he poked at me at New Years. I will tell others. If I INVITE you to touch or feel my stomach, that is fine. But you don't get to reach your hand towards me and touch me just because I'm a mom-to-be.