The End of an Era...and a Campaign

Jan 07, 2013 14:22

On September 9, 2007 Mike ran a tabletop session using the Palladium Heroes Unlimited rules and setting for myself, Skud, and Jess. In the coming weeks Tommie, Brandie, and Kevin joined us as regular players. Over the next few years Tim, Wes, Thomas, Ceilidh, Riley, Michelle, Josh, Monica, Gregg, Jade, and Cal all joined us for at least one session. It became the "Impact, Inc" campaign, and it has been my longest running tabletop campaign, and only the second campaign that I was part of seeing through to completion. Any other campaigns either fizzled out, or while they hit a good stopping point there was still a lot left undone and unresolved. At first we played this one weekly, then monthly, then every few months. We wrapped it up this past weekend, but the last time we played before that was January 2012. The last time before that had been around March 2011 I think. Some players had moved away and it became hard to play frequently, but none of us gave up on seeing it through.

This campaign has been a Big Deal for me. Some of the best roleplay, stories, and scenarios I've ever been part of in any roleplaying experience. Epic battles. Petty character squabbles. Hilarious moments. Huge story arcs, fighting repeat enemies while traveling through time and dimensions. Small stories and episodes. Falling in love. Falling out of love. Betrayal. Victory. Frustration. Defeat.

I'm not going to bother typing up what all happened, I have that recorded in the paper journals I kept as we went through the game. What I will do is celebrate the game. Because it was GOOD. And we did it. We wrapped it all up, and we won. Some smaller stories and personal storylines never were told in-game, but those can be resolved in our daydreams. Kind of like the expanded universe comic books for a TV series that has ended, where the fans get to find out what else happened.

I'll have nostalgia for the game. I'll miss the roleplay and the excitement of preparing to play. But I'm also completely satisfied with how it ended. We defeated the two major villains that had been our enemies throughout, saved the world, stopped a god, some of us found love, and most of us found peace with our fates and paths.

It was a Good Game.
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