
Sep 12, 2019 15:42

If anyone asks, I will tell them that I am in general an animal lover, but I am totally a dog person. In my nearly 50 years on this earth, I have been the human sister, aunt or mommy to Sniffy, Sheba, Sasha, Sidney, Buddy, and Jessie. My sister has had a couple of cats over the years, but although they were cute, I never trusted them. They were sneaky little fuckers.

This is Kiki. She's one of the three cats we inherited when my mom passed away last October. The other two are named Koko and Kahuna... don't blame me, my mom named them. Growing up she knew two cats named Kiki and Koko, and when my dad passed and she decided to get some pets for company, she was determined to use those names. When she ended up with three instead of two (which is a story for another time), she wanted to keep the name alliteration, and the Big Kahuna was one of Dad's nicknames, so Kahuna became the obvious choice for the lone male.

Anyway. So yeah - I'm a cat mommy now. I never knew how obsessed I would become with these creatures. I don't know if it's because I'm used to big dogs - 70+ pounds for all the ones listed above - or what, but I find these guys teeny tiny. Kahuna is the biggest, and if he weighs seven pounds, I'd be surprised. They lie on or around me pretty much anytime I'm at home. They don't care if I'm working, they'll sit on my keyboard or in front of my monitor. When they feel especially loving, it feels as though they are trying to burrow right into my soul.

Have I mentioned that I'm allergic to cats? Not die from an asthma attack kind of allergic, but it's not pleasant. I have hives, I'm often sneezing and congested, but I don't care! I mean how am I supposed to resist this?

I've become THAT woman. I don't talk about my cats (much), but I am constantly surprised by how freakin' ADORABLE they are! I think I have about two hundred pictures of them on my phone. Do I still think they are sneaky fuckers? One hundred percent! And I'm still "meh" about all the other cats that exist. I remain always and forever a "dog" person... but my little kitties have captured my heart forever.

cats, lj idol

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