Team Avatar had arrived at the official rendezvous point for the invasion force seveeral days early. Sure, Sokka had a new, non-invade-y plan, but they had to be here in order to catch anyone who'd been told of the plan, but not the change of plan. Also, they were planning to meet Hakoda here.
Once they were there, Sokka FINALLY announced what the new plan actually was -- they were going to sneak into the Fire Lord's palace and rescue Prince Zuko and General Iroh. Or kidnap. Rescue or kidnap, depending on whether they wanted to come along.
Needless to say, it did not go over well. Katara was entirely against the idea. Toph kind of liked the plan, which didn't help Katara's mood any. And Aang just looked like a deer in headlights and started having panic attacks. Sokka really needed a good steak and a Squishy, but the koala sheep on the island were just too darn cute to eat, and Squishys were kind of hard to come by.
Aang didn't sleep much following the announcement, and started having all sorts of weird dreams and eventually had a bit of a meltdown. Because of that, when he woke everyone up one morning and announced that Sokka's sword and boomerang were fighting, no one believed him. At first.
The four of them stood watching as two women -- one short and curvy with silvery hair and the other tall and thin with ebony skin -- rolled in the grass fighting, scratching, and pulling hair.
"He loves ME more!"
"No, he loves ME more!!!"
Toph turned to Sokka. "So... this sort of thing happened at your Fan Dum School all the time?"
"Mmm-hmm," he answered, nodding slowly and not taking his eyes off the women.
"And... you weren't really lying about knowing a Zuko from another universe, were you?"
Then Katara smacked her brother on the back of the head angrily. "SOKKA! You're drooling!"
[Stolen and modified from episode 309 of Avatar.]