Jan 04, 2010 00:16
So far this year seems to be the year where I am creative. I decided to learn how to knit so I put knitting stuff on my Christmas list. I was not disapointed. I got needles and yarn from my aunt, money for knitting stuff from my Grandma, Knitting for Dummies from my mom, and a knitting project kit from my mom. So far I've made a bookmark and a dishrag. I've started on a scarf that I plan on giving to Sarah K. either for her birthday or for Christmas next year, depending on how productive I end up being.
I've also decided to learn how to sew on a machine. I had a dream about a week ago where I had sewed my bridesmaids dress and was showing it to Sarah K. I mentioned it to my mommy and through a rather circuitous conversation we decided that I should try to sew it. We were already going to a fabric store and so I looked at patterns. I found the exact dress from dream. Everything about it was in the pattern. We'll see how it works out though. I bought some cheap but cool fabric to do a practice run with. If that turns out I'll try to make one in Sarah K.'s colors. It doesn't help that my measurements correspond with three different sizes on the pattern. But even if it doesn't work out it should be fun. And I'll finally know at least the basics of sewing on a machine. It's a really cute dress so I hope it turns out. And it will mean that I don't have to spend much money on it.
Also, school starts in a week. Not so much looking forward to that. Although I am looking forward to graduating! The job market in Portland sucks though. I'm starting to seriously consider moving even though i really don't want to. Real see how it turns out.