Apr 12, 2006 10:20
The last few days have been really warm so I've opened the doors and windows to let some fresh air in. This girl loves fresh air and after a long and stagnant winter I will open every nook and cranny to air things out. My two cats have been coming and going in and out of the house. One of my cats has been bringing these sweet little garter snakes in from across the street where the woods are. He doesn't kill them; he just brings them in alive and watches them slither around. I've been in the guest room studying because I have a lot of projects due for school, so when I walk out to the main living area I see a snake like every time and my big orange cat (we call him Thomas because he looks like a "Tom" cat - my mother's corny invention) is standing there intently watching. I just pick the snake up, go outside and across the street and let it back out into the woods.
I have been sick these last few days with a hoarse dry cough. And my throat hurts. My mom is making some yarrow tea for me and bringing it down in a few minutes. She said it's good for inflammation which is what we think I have - inflammation of the lungs. I hope I didn't pick up typhoid fever from Jambavan. I haven't seen him but I have been with their family recently. They just got back from India and he was in the hospital for a few days with typhoid fever. That is so crazy. It sounds like out of a movie or something. Anyway I don't think it's typhoid, because the symptoms are different.
Samvit told us about all the crazy things she has seen and heard living in Govardhan. There was an old man who told her he was Brazilian royalty. He said that his grandfather was a king in Brazil, that his family went over from Braj, and that is where the name Brazil came from. They had to leave Brazil though because of the "harsh climate." LOL. Samvit is such a good story teller. She was making me and Katyayani laugh so hard at the temple on Sunday.
I am in the guest room right now with the back door open to the backyard. It rained through the night so everything is wet.. the birds are chirping like crazy. I feel like I'm in the tropics or something. So lovely.