Love from the Drumming Neanderthal: Chapter 12

Jun 21, 2005 21:48

And yet again I must write.....

"Hey Remundo, check this out!" Clark grabs my shoulder at the end of last period and hands me a pink slip. "They were handing these out in the hallway, could you read it for me?"
"Sure, it says, 'First Night Party! We will be having a get together with Eileen's School for Ladies in Theatre, this Saturday for our first party of the year. It will take place at the Valet Bowling Alley. Tickets will be sold afterschool Thursday and Friday. Transportation is not provided. Thankyou, your Hostess, Linda Morthen.'"
"A Party! Wow, with a girl's school even! I mean we have dances, but not much else. You gonna go Remundo?" I stop walking and stare silently at the floor. A party? With girls? What am I supposed to do, they'll see right through me! "Are you alright Remundo?" Clark gives me a pound in the shoulder.
"I don't know if I should go."
"What? Why not?"
"Ummm, I think I have a doctors appointment, yeah." Clark smirks.
"Come on! I know it's your first week and all, but don't be shy. I'm sure the birds will love you!" We walk down the hallway to Clark's locker. Jacob is already there waiting for us.
"Hey guys. Remundo, remember we have tutoring tonight. You want to do it now, or what?"
"Well, I have to leave after tea," Clark begins, "And I hate it when all you talk about is math, so you better do the tutoring when I'm gone."
"Kay, that settles it then, looks like we're staying for dinner Remundo."
"Cool!" I can't help smiling. The more time I get to spend with Jacob, the better.
Tea is one of my favorite times of the day. We sit and eat biscuits, cookies, cake, small sandwiches, and crackers while drinking hot tea and discussing various subjects. Today, Clark had a long sermon about napkins.
"Cloth napkins are much more classic. Personally, I think they show status and charm. Paper napkins, like these, show that we have lazy kitchen workers, that won't take the time to wash stylish cloth napkins."
"Are you done?" Roy asks, who as finished scarfing down his fifth muffin, "We have to go before we miss the train."

meh, dad says it's 10:30, and I have to turn off the computer now. But I really want to write more. Sorry, I couldn't edit it yet, so if you see a typos or bad spelling, I'm sorry but I'll fix it later.
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