Of Rainbows and Difference
Romance, Fluff
Differences and ignorance lead you to something much more beautiful. And Jaejoong is just about to find out what that means.
{is it possible to ignore the fact that my summary sucks?}
Jaejoong was different. Different from him, different from everyone. And perhaps it was the three year gap since their last proper conversation that had changed the child he'd once known, but Yunho didn't care. I just typed the whole thing out after experiencing the hate coming from my copy and paste function between LJ and Wordpad - I knew I should've saved, but getting too ahead of myself after it taking six tries to actually get it to not just save three words (meaning taking an hour and a half to type it out myself) I attempted an LJ-Cut. And the popup was blocked - so being a moron, I unblocked popups and it didn't save my work. It just went back to the three words I'd saved when I tried C&P-ing, when I'd typed 3765.
So I copy and pasted onto AsianFanFics.com because they're C&P friendly. I hope that's not a problem. I just wanted somewhere for you to read it!
I will eventually type it up here again.