Jul 30, 2004 11:43
DH gets home tonight, my parents arrive tomorrow! Woohoo!!!
Several comments have been made recently about my being out so much at work. While I know this week was a bit crazy, I still made it into the office three days (I only work four days a week when life is normal). Last week I had already planned vacation, even before the child care fiasco, so I wasn't out more than I had planned. I'm getting real pressure to hit 30 hours a week and I think if they had the budget, they'd push me to full time. More and more I see that it's time for me to make a decision. More and more I see that staying home with N is in my near future. I don't even know if I'll offer adjunct status. Maybe I'll just find some sort of volunteer thing to do while N's at preschool.
N did great with the babysitter yesterday and I haven't gotten any calls today. Yay! Now my mom can stay with him for the next two weeks. Then just 6 more weeks of daycare till I'm home with him.
I'm really beginning to feel like I've come to a good decision. Let's just hope I continue to feel that way LOL.