random blather (regarding the 1&2&3 cd)

Sep 26, 2007 19:20

Good thing I had deliveries today; if I wasn't able to loop songs during my driving at work I would've probably died from the wait @_@;

I finally broke the loop and listened to Akifumi-sama on the way home.

...until I played all the songs for little brother. ^_^; Then I was doomed again.

And, OMG this Haruka3 drama track was as if it were made for me... in other words, Izayoiki spoilers abound ::cries and goes to angst in a corner:: ♥



...OMG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Tomomori was doing something and I off-handedly told the CD "Um, you can let go of my hand now" and the CD track said "::smirk:: Te wo hanase, to...? (What, 'let go of my hand', you say?)" THAT WAS THE FREAKIEST THING EVER @____@;

...how does Sensei eat? o_O Does he go and do it sometimewhere in private so he doesn't have to take off the mask XD

Hey look, Akram does show up! XD

Okay, more lyrics for everyone!
Inori: Karakurenai no Kaze ni Naru
Akifumi: Tsuyugoromo no Himetaru Chikai
Kagetoki: Kokoro yo Saihate no Hyougen ni (in case you missed it the first time :D Now it has a translation.)

I'm sorry for spamming your f-list pages. I will try to not let it happen again ;_;

haruka, lyrics, songs, fanning

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