
Sep 26, 2007 11:46

CD CAME OMG ::falls over self::

...I have to be at work in two hours! @_@

1. Inori's song is cute and catchy... but nothing to get me overly excited ::cry:: But, at least Nao-nii is right on, as usual ^___^
2. Akifumi's song had me by the first note, HOMG. ::ded:: Beautiful, beautiful, haunting, sasuga Miyata!Akifumi. And this will be on the event I'm planning to buy??
3. Hm, the opening reminds me of Akifumi's song!



Wow, the second verse almost made me want to cry.



Okay, now that Kagetoki's gone and shot me dead:

It's kind of spiraly loopy repetitive. XD But the song is, unarguably, lovely. Inoue-san's vocals are absolutely to *die* for. And being in love with Kagetoki, reading the lyrics made me cry the second time through. I think everyone will like this one. ^^

Parallel mini-drama was... not nearly as "fun" as I'd hoped. DX Oh, but it's FUNNY.

...now what do I do o_o

[Edit] Kagetoki lyrics for Kokoro yo Saihate no Hyougen ni at the haruka-lyrics journal. I'm so lovesick. @_@;

OMG I JUST HEARD BENKEI SAY ::SPOILER FOR IZAYOIKI:: because the Haruka3 drama track comes after the song ::runs away from it, no time to be even more angstlovesick!!::

The only problem is that my iPod literally has no more space (6 MB...) ; ;

haruka, lyrics, songs, kagetoki

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