Deeeeep breaths.

Mar 22, 2006 20:41

This song was stuck in my head off and on all freaking day and so I share the sickness. I like it, don't get me wrong - it's probably my third favorite from the CD - but all day, off and on. With that walky piano. Dum de dum de dum de dum de dum.

(That was one of the other CDs I got on Saturday, in a closing sale at Sam Goody. My criteria that day were "have I heard of it?" and "does it suck?" I found four, at about nine dollars each. Not bad.)

Anyway. Stuff. And stuff. I don't think I have anything else to talk about. Two more slips of paper on the goal board - I started with six on Monday. I am not happy with how UA is turning out, but once all the loose thread ends are snipped and it's pressed and hung up, it'll probably seem more "finished." Besides, I'm a perfectionist. I am keenly aware of that this week. I know not to take my opinion too seriously.

Exercise assessment time! I did something weird to my knee during the cardio yesterday that woke up the minor ankle twist from this weekend, but most of today is just crunches etc. anyway; there's little jumping around. Fun.
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