Beating the shit out of people who post incredibly stupid things in
alt_diet probably burns a lot of calories.
Too bad I can't rationalize a connection for smacking people who post incoherent, uninformed babble in
fanthropology. Unless I call it a service to fandom. ;)
Anyway, I will stop saying omg, my new computer will be pimped out major, except to say once: omg, my new computer will be pimped out major. And I will waste it on my usual silliness. So "Trenia" is really the perfect name for it. (Dodging spoilers, Trenia is a character in Makai Kingdom who is omniscient - seeing both present and future with perfect clarity, unlike the other oracle character(s) - but does nothing about it and spends most of her time giggling and chasing butterflies.)
So yes. But then, I'll probably be using it as-is for five years, so building ahead a little is a good idea anyway.
I can't seem to get my act together this week. I don't know what my problem is. I wandered through yesterday evening not wanting to do anything, and couldn't get myself together enough to exercise this morning despite having just slept eight hours. Grah.
I think a little of it is feeling up in the air about the building-sale thing. If I feel like the realtor might barge in any second, I can't feel immersed in anything. (Sure, they say they'll give me notice, but I don't have an answering machine as they probably assume I do. I have never had a need for one till now. Go figure.)
And the rest, feeling tired all the time, blah blah? I don't know. Feh. Time to change it by sheer force of will. I realized last night that now that February has begun, there are only two months until
Tekkoshocon (March 31 - April 2, Monroeville, PA, BE THERE! :P). That's an eyeblink compared to how much stuff I have to do. Especially when I can't work on anything that, you know, needs to be left out to dry or takes up a lot of space, because the realtor might barge in while I'm gone. ARGH. I'm also frustrated because I can't move ahead on most projects due to lack of reference photos - they're all on my computer. I should have printed them out beforehand, but I didn't think ahead.
Also I need feedback from one of the buyers and... I'm getting nothing. Which is frustrating because that leaves me stuck. And most people, when this happens, turn around like "What? Why aren't you done yet?" Very frustrating.
So... once I get my computer back and restore my reference stuff, get paid, and buy more materials, I can move ahead in a less half-assed fashion. That's what I tell myself.
edit: Oh, yeah. Amusing. The Tom the Dancing Bug
comic that ran in the CP yesterday. Japanese pop culture beat you to that first panel by about 12 years, people. ;) except they're young and cute and NYPD, not LAPD. Still.