And the happy! Dammit! [Adventurous food F5]

Jan 13, 2006 08:44

Now that the whining is over. :) Sorry for the double-post.


1. What is the most adventurous food you've ever tried?
I...actually...don't...know. My rule as of a few years ago is "Anything made of plants can't hurt me" - that's figurative, not literal, as in "that which grosses me out is usually made of sinew and/or organs, which plants don't have*, so the grossness of plant-related food is much more limited." That, too, is not strictly true, but holds true in most instances.

* plants have functional structures and organelles, but I mean they don't have, say, lungs. or tongues.

I like things considered mildly unusual for Middle America - the kinds of things usually eaten by vegans and health nuts - but not really adventurous, as in squid or eyeballs. So, uh, I don't think I've tried anything more adventurous than sushi.

2. What is the most adventurous food you'd be willing to try?
I'll try anything made of plants other than natto, because I hear that stuff is acquired taste like none other.

3. Would you have a problem eating dog meat and why or why not?
Yes, unless I were dying of starvation in a desert / post-apocalyptic wasteland, and by that time I have bigger things to worry about. (And besides, HOW long would that take for me?? OMG. I would be the last creature standing other than cockroaches.)

Why? Sheer irrational emotionality. I'm attached to dogs. They're my favorite animal.

4. For the most part, do you consider your diet to be balanced?
Ssssorta not really, but I try. I try to try. I also get kind of lazy about grocery shopping, though, so I go through stretches where I'll eat brown rice every day for half a week because I'm too lazy to get up to the store and get something else. And I'm chronically short on protein. But I do notice and try.

5. Which is more appealing- being a vegetarian for the rest of your life or being a strict carnivore for the rest of your life?
I'm a stone's throw from vegetarian now, so there's your answer. I'd miss some things (bacon, jambalaya), but I could do it.

I don't have any objections to eating meat; I just don't like to cook it, and since I'm squeamish I can get picky about tendons and gristle and all that shudder-inducing meat stuff. Also the texture of raw meat grosses me out. Also food poisoning is bad.

Uh, anyway, I like a lot of vegetarian food, so it doesn't bother me. I just eat meat if someone else cooks it or I'm at a restaurant. Which is probably backwards - if I bothered to, you know, get in there and rip out the tendons and all that disgusting stuff, I'd probably make a really good meat-cook since I'm so damn particular, and on the rare occasions I've made dishes with it they HAVE been very good - but uh, ick.

edit: awwwwww! hell. I got demoted from the flist from somebody I don't know, but who had neat links to read. So I have to take them off, 'cause I'm not a stalker. I'm gonna miss the hookup. That's what I get for having an unentertaining journal, though. Don't entertain, don't get entertained. Divine justice. ;)

edit II: while my brain is mulling it over in the background, note to self: I already don't like how Ramza is turning out. Get a new pattern with curved seams or darts. I don't think I can wing that after all. Will need new fabric, too; use this for something else. I'm not sold on it anyway; it looks kinda shiny under the wrong light. So make a list for the next run - thread, that fabric, a pattern, shoulder pads and Velcro for the shoes, look at the flat-fold table for brown suede/vinyl etc.

cooking, fridayfive

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