(no subject)

Apr 21, 2006 14:30

i got good news and that is taht i got that job at taco bell. i was soooo nervous during the interview though it was crazy most people get butterflys when they get nervous i get a flock of giant birds. i do have bad news thought and thats that my phone was "accidently" dropped in the washer the other day for like 5 secs, and now i have no sound.i honestly dont know how my mom didnt feel it in my pants, or why she decided to wash my clothes. i always do them normaly i mean im happy she washed them believe me i am but jeeze louise i could have did it and my phone would still be working to if i did. anyway im not going to worry to much about that. on another note all everyone keeps talking about is the whole jeremy peer accident. im kind of sick of hearing about it, i mean dont get me wrong i feel really bad for him and his family and for the familys of the lady that was killed and the man that was injured, i do i feel really bad he had a good future going for him and now its ruined,and if the lady who got killed if she had kids you know how sad that is i feel really bad but talking about it nonstop its not going to change anything. all we can do is hope for the best and that everything works out ok for both familys. some other bad news is that spring breaks almost over its actually over in 2 days to be exact=[ my spring break was pretty good tho it went something like this
FRIDAY -chilaxed
SATURDAY-hung out with k10 adn went up north
SUNDAY-was upnorth all day
MONDAY-my cousin was over and then i went back to his house
TUESDAY-over my aunts all day
WHENSDAY-over my aunts all day again
THURSDAY-interview,hung out with k10,tay and sydney
SATURDAY-K10 maybe if not then pampering
SUNDAY-aunts coming over
so it was pretty good and the next 2 days should be pretty good anyway i was supposed to go tanning with k10 the other day got to the bed and freaked out seriously the idea of being in that bed with it shut scaredthe hell out of me you have no idea and i dont know why it just did. like i was afraid it wouldnt open again it litteraly scared the hell out of me.so ill stick with the jergens natural glow lotion that turns me orange lmao.well i think thats it for now peace out dawgs.
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