May 19, 2011 05:46
My tummy! :(
I've not been in this much abdominal pain ever. I originally thought it was from food poisoning, but now I don't know. It's way more persistent than any food poisoning I've experienced before. It's intermittent pain, though, so I guess I can deal. And it's crampy, so I thought maybe Aunt Flo was making her way in, but I've never had menstrual cramps like this before either. I wish it would just go away. Sleep is the only thing that relieves it. So I slept yesterday from noon to 3, when the kids napped. And then from 6pm-9pm, when Doug got home from work (he also put the kids to bed, which was a pleasant surprise when I woke up) and then from 10:30pm to 4am. At that point, I couldn't sleep anymore. I'm actually surprised I slept that much at all.
I have a headache. I haven't eaten anything. I've only been able to tolerate small sips of liquids. I want to feel better, dammit. I was hoping I could run to the store this morning so I could get some ibuprofen or something to tackle this pain. But Doug has to leave soon so there's no time for that now. I can't sleep this thing off forever...