First Week Back at School

Sep 07, 2008 08:52

I think I should have Morgan make me an icon of Lucien. That would be super cute. My first week back in high school has gone really well and I am enjoying it a lot. On Friday I taught four periods of economics because we had a sub and it was a good time. I have a few kids in a couple classes that know everything and talk a lot. They pretty much dominate the classroom but I think the teacher I am working with knows these specific kids and can get them to tone it down. It's also the first week so everyone is still getting settled and schedules are getting switched around. The teacher I am working with is really inclusive on all of the processes that go into planning lessons and starting the school year. I wasn't sure what to expect going into this but I think I will learn a lot while I am here.

I am still getting used to my new schedule. I have to be in Albany at 7:30am now so I get up about 6:15. I think that's why it's almost 9am on a Sunday and I am up. I will say that student teaching, and from what I have observed so far about the staff at South, is that this is a fairly low key school. It's been a hectic week but in a way that's not stressful. The last few weeks and months at SMART were so stressful that it's been nice to be away from that kind of energy. When you're around someone who's stressed it makes you stressed. At least it does with me.

Lucien has fully recovered and with the exception of his little shaved spots you wouldn't know he had any kind of surgery. This little dog has so much energy. We walk about a mile and when we get home he's still bouncing. I took him over to my mom's on Friday to play with Mindy and her neighbor's puppy Rosie. That wore him out. I might do that more often. Lucien has also taken a liking to car rides. Now if he gets out the front door he runs right to the car and looks at you as if to say "come on we're going on a car ride". He is so much fun and I just love having a puppy.
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