Nov 25, 2007 21:30
"falling down. you were the only one who could save me. never ever felt this way, didn't think you'd ever stay. falling. falling. you came along and picked me up, never want to give you up. falling. falling. my heart will always belong to you, my best friend til the very end. falling. falling. why'd you ever think of me, this is the way love's supposed to be. falling. falling. failing down. drowned in pools of alcohol. falling down. puffing in cigarettes. life is full of regrets. ...."
ok, despite the fact that these lyrics are totally creepy and the song is about straight edge and love, it is so pretty and has been in my head all day.
also- do y'all think moving to another city and changing my name so i can get straigh edge tattoos is BAD idea? i mean... really?
in other news- i am happy, confuesed, hating one of my classes to the point where i haven't done any work for it. and i am thinking of changing my major to philosophy. occasionally i get a little bummed out when i think too much about some things, which happened last night, i had a weird moment of totally freaking out.i am really excited about the possibility of some things in life being really awesome- and my rant about hardcore possibly being something i feel like challenging instead of getting bitter and depressed about.
i made an appointment to get my chest peice done.
things are good.
school is nearly done.
can i just not write this essay? if i get a terrible grade in this one class will it really matter? it's already five days late....the highest i could possibly get is a b.. but as i seem to not care the liklihood is the mark will be much much lower.
vegan t shirts, also, are what you should all get me for my birthday, in a month and a bit. or cat figurines. ok?