Mexico - Part 1

Mar 12, 2008 14:57

I will be back later with pictures from zip-lining and snorkeling - I forgot the photo CD at school.

However, I have pictures from the resort and Playa Del Carmen!  We arrived at the Adventura Spa Palace on Thursday afternoon. We took a shuttle from the airport to the resort, which was about an hour drive but we shared the shuttle with two of Patrick's co-workers and their wives. This was the perfect chance to get to know them before we even got to our resort!  Both couples were soooo nice and we ended up spending most of our time with them.

Our room was great! And yes, that is a jacuzzi tub next to the bed. Kinda bizarre, huh?

The resort was an all-inclusive resort, which was a first for me. I was surprised to see this in our room:

With the exception of one shot that Patrick poured when we first got to the resort the bottles stayed full. However, during the duration of our trip we had our fair share of drinks from the bars:)

Here are a few pictures from the pool area  - there were three different pools, which was pretty cool.

On Thursday night there was a company event - cocktails and dinner, which was another opportunity to meet everyone on the trip.

Friday morning we woke up early for another company event - breakfast. After breakfast Patrick and I took a bike ride around the resort and then played tennis.  That afternoon we went zip-lining and snorkeling, which was wonderful. I can't wait to share a few of my favorite pictures from the day.

Friday night we were on our own so Patrick and I decided to just stay at the resort for dinner - we were both pretty tired. We ate at a Chinese restaurant, which was pretty good.  Overall the food at the resort was okay - breakfasts and lunches were buffets, but I was able to find things that I really enjoyed.  I think the best part of the all-inclusive resort were definitely the drinks, lol:)

On Saturday morning we layed out by the pool before heading into Playa del Carmen for lunch.  I really liked Playa - such a cute town!  And the ocean was just breathtaking!

We ate lunch at La Parilla, which was just okay. It was neat to have the authentic Mexican food experience though!

After Playa we headed back to the resort to hang out with some friends before dinner by the pool.

They shuttled everyone (there were about 50 people altogether) to Playa del Carmen for dinner.  We began the evening on the rooftop of La Casa de Agua, which was amazing. The view of the ocean was incredible. Dinner was awesome - I wish I had pictures:( I think a few pictures were taken, but with other cameras - I will have to track down some pictures. At any rate, it was a great evening of food and good conversation.

On Sunday we woke up really early with the intention to lay out by the pool for some last minute sun. However, this is what we woke up to. Needless to say, we didn't get to lay out by the pool:(  We got a few pina coladas for the road and headed out at 11:30am. We rode back to the airport with the same group of friends that we arrived with and said our goodbyes (they live in CA).

When we got to the airport we met up with the other Seattle people and discovered that we were all flying back first-class. We were all so excited!!!  We had a very nice flight from Mexico to Salt Lake City. The last stretch back to WA we sat in coach, which was pretty brutal after being in first-class, lol:)

I feel so fortunate to have been able to go on this trip with Patrick - not many people get opportunities like this. I have absolutely nothing to complain about - it was all so wonderful!  Crossing my fingers for Banff this summer, which I hear is pretty amazing!
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