
Apr 22, 2006 21:34

Well, in exactly one week, I will be on the plane to California. We've been planning this trip so long, it's unreal to think that it's almost here!

Other than seeing Steve's parents, which of course is the point of the trip, one of the things I'm really excited about is going to Disneyland. I've only ever been to Disneyworld, and that was about 15 years ago, so I don't remember much. I'm also looking forward to no longer being one of those East Coasters who have never crossed the Appalachians. And seeing *real* desert, as opposed to, say, Killdevil Hills (fake desert), NC. I've never really been anywhere really *dry* in my life.

I also can't wait to show Mama my embroidery. I'm really proud of the tiger I'm working on now. It's from a photograph, and especially when you stand back, it looks *so* vivid. I'm about 2/15ths done now, as it's about 15 blocks in size (five across, three down) and I'm almost done the second one. By the end of the third, most of the tiger's main body will be done. Thank goodness, as the background is a lot less work and goes faster than the tiger himself. All those stupid stripes. *grin*

Work's going pretty well. I wrote this computer troubleshooting manual to help staff with basic and common computer problems that we run into (with the idea that they won't always call me, or put the problem on hold until I come in to work). It does get used on occasion, which gladdens my heart. I actually used it myself yesterday, as I needed to reinstall a program and I knew that was the quickest place to find the IP address I needed for the installation. The cool thing is, somebody from the public services department called me at work yesterday and said that she'd heard from the director of the library system (!!) that I had a manual that covered some new heavily-used software, and asked if she could have a copy to use when training librarians on the new software. So I emailed it over. Very excited! :)

Spent today mostly cleaning around the house. Got dishes done (much harder now that I have to do them in the bathroom sink and spread them out on a towel in the bathtub to dry), laundry, and much cleaning of the living room area. I even cleaned off this shelf that's right by the door and so it gets a *ton* of stuff dumped on it (which I'd been meaning to do for ages). I know that really doesn't sound like all that much. But I feel so much better. Less claustrophobic now that the living room is less cluttered, and I know I have plenty of clean clothes and clean dishes for the week. I didn't get to the bathroom or the vaccuuming, but maybe tomorrow for those. Wish I didn't have to work tomorrow (where did I get this brilliant idea of signing up to work one Sunday a month?), but at least it's only 4 hours.

Anyway, life is going great! Hopefully will have more interesting stuff to post soon!
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