Odyssey X

Jun 15, 2015 11:00

Cross posted from Facebook

Proper Odyssey froth... As I said on the Rome group - sometimes you win by losing, but sometimes you just win, and this event I did the latter.

+++ Roman politics, goodness but I was busy!
+ Getting the triumvirate idea through. Hell yes!
+ Plotty scheme with Septimus, knowing he wasnt going to get his way, but needing him to help get mine.
+ Friday night conversations with Nemo along the lines of "Don't do the work, the person bringing the problem to you is usually the one that knows the answer" and about methods of questioning prisoners and his willingness to participate...
+ Legislating self out of position because it was the best thing to do, and persuading the other tribune to the same path (it's OK, he's a triumvir now)
+ I chaired a senate session! And even mostly kept it on track!
+ Interactions with Lucius Praxis, always a pleasure to speak to someone who seems to be on exactly the same level. The first time we met we spotted something important about each other that seems to have passed other people by, and this has formed the basis of a reasonably firm friendship.
+ International politics, *ARGH* foreigners! Why can't you focus on the *current* war before starting the next one? You could have just waited a couple of Annuals! Bloody Persia! Bloody Hellas Phonecia!
+ sitting next to Caliope at the Champions battle providing an opportunity to say "Actually, no, that isn't true" and explain what Rome had really promised to do, but had been spurned...
+ 'Questioning' the prisoner. We can do this the easy way or the hard way". No-one ever chooses the easy way.
+ Accompanying Eppi to meet the parents. Being the one the Melita addressed most of her remarks to.
+ Friday night warleaders' laurel battle - calling Tom out
+ Sunday warleaders' laurel battle, comedy of Ticus and Poppaea chasing Veturius Metellus round the arena, then Gaius Suetonius looming up in front of him. One of the last three standing!
+ I was afraid I'd miss my awesome old group, but as it happens, my new group is just as awesome. And I even have someone who leaves their crap lying around my tent smile emoticon
+ The visit to Ian on Friday night to say thankyousorrynotsorry, and the file name of "Tribunes who make good life choices" he was working on
+ Rome is great, internal squabbles and violence, and afterwards we're giggling, best nation.
+ Discussions with Kapernicus of Greece, nice to have established sensible discourse with him over the last two annuals.

+/- Not being able to stand as triumvir for OC reasons, but getting provided with an IC one because of events
+/- I've pretty much achieved all my character goals. I meant, that's great, but it leaves me pondering what next.

- Missing the civil war due to extreme tired
- Friday night's weather that flooded out so many people.
- The sheer number of people on the field who are basically unkillable damage sponges. It gets tedious after a while.
--- When I was taken down in the warleaders' laurel battle, my right arm twisted behind me very oddly, injuring my upper arm. It felt like something went out of alignment, and although it went back in, it's left issues behind. The back of my upper arm is painful, the front a little sore. I cant lift my arm above my shoulder, and nor can I reach behind myself with it. David had to do most of the heavy work associated with takedown and unloading the car. Big thank you to Graham and Andy for helping him take down the tent.


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