Title: Remember Me Author: crumpledquill Fandom: The Sarah Jane Adventures Rating: PG-13 Genre: AU Pairing: Sarah Jane/Ellie Faber Spoilers: None as it's AU. Disclaimer: I disclaim all characters etc that aren't mine. Summary: An alternative take on the SJA episode: The Curse of Clyde Langer.
I have a distinct recollection of seeing a fic out there with Sarah Jane Smith and River Song. I can't remember if it's femslash, or just the two of them in a story together. Does anybody know the whereabouts of this (or similar) fic? Linkies would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I've made 84(!) icons for my OTP of Sarah Jane Smith/Jo Grant. I've included both Classic Who icons and a bunch from the "Death of the Doctor" episode of SJA (so SPOILERS if you haven't seen it
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Title: Denial Author: megans_writing Beta: None. All mistakes are mine. Fandom: Doctor Who. Pairing(s): Sarah Jane/Rose Rating: R Word Count: 172 Warnings: Femmeslash. Masturbation. Spoilers for 'School Reunion'. Notes: Originally written for 'day 10' at mmom. Also for 'rage' at tw_dw_slashfest, 'I know I was wrong' at 5_prompts and 'week 11: spanking' at fandom_Fridays. Disclaimer: I do not own
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Title: Secrets and Surprises Chapter: One Fandom: Sarah Jane Adventures Pairing: Maria/Rani Rating: General (adult in later chapters) Summary: Maria and Rani meet for the first time
Title: Secrets and Surprises Chapter: Prologue Fandom: Sarah Jane Adventures Pairing: Maria/Rani Rating: General (adult in later chapters) Summary: Someone is awoken by an unexpected phone call
Summary: Sarah Jane Smith had long since become accustomed to being the subject of rumour, especially since she'd holed herself up in a house in not-quite-suburban London.
I've just realised that I haven't posted any of my new fic on this comm, although I'm sure that those who would be interested have already found it at the_second_time or Teaspoon by now.
Title: Not Just A Fairytale Romance Summary: a future Maria brings Sarah Jane and the gang a warning and some surprising news. Pairing: Sarah Jane/(older)Maria Rating: General