University and the kids

Nov 06, 2011 08:41

Luke's the easy one - he's at Oxford. But what do we do with the others? I don't know the geography or the schools or anything, so I'm looking for ideas here.

Rani wants to be a journalist. What's a good, reasonable school for her to go to for that? And I don't know anything about comic artists, but I'd like to keep Clyde near her (I'm a total shipper), so where/what should he do? I'd expect either work in the field or some sort of art school. Certainly don't see him going the regular degree route. Just invent one in the area, you think? Does anyone know what would be reasonable path for him to take to get a job in that field?

Plus, I'd like to get Maria back home for school/adulthood. Since Rani and Clyde are together, I'd like to get her in the vicinity of Luke. I'd prefer close enough to hang out every day, but a couple Saturdays a month would be okay, too. I definitely see her and an alien helper/fighter for life, but there aren't really a lot of schools that offer that as a field of study, so she'll have to study something else. But what? She'll need a job with flexibility, so she can cut out and save the day.
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