Fic : Second Chance (PG) | Sarah Jane/Peter Dalton, Ten/Rose, OC (Nicole), Mickey | 14/?

Feb 27, 2010 15:41

Figured it was about time I updated the summary and characters!

Title : Second Chance
Author : Jen
Rating : PG at the moment, possibly higher in later parts.
Pairing/Characters Sarah Jane/Peter, Ten/Rose, OC (Nicole), Mickey
Summary : Sarah wished for one more chance with Peter; the Universe gave it to her. After changing the past she finds that ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

dbskyler February 27 2010, 16:31:39 UTC
Interesting! I could well see Sarah making sure that the Doctor kept his distance from Nicole -- I don't think she'd like the idea of her going off with him in the TARDIS! All the conversations here felt very real and natural. Peter's obviously having a hard time figuring out the Doctor and his relationship to Sarah, which is not at all surprising. I don't know where Sarah got the idea that the Doctor's ever been good at blending in, though -- wishful thinking, perhaps? ; )

(And by the way, this is mislabeled in the LJ cut as chapter 17, so you should probably fix that -- I almost didn't click on it because I thought there were missing chapters and I didn't want to jump ahead, but then I figured out that it really was chapter 14, just mis-labeled.)


boro_girl February 27 2010, 16:36:04 UTC
Already corrected my error in the labelling - sorry for any confusion!

It was a bit of romanticising on Sarah's part, but then again he was blending in OK at Defry Vale! As for the dinner party... when your daughter looks like she's getting a crush on *totally* the wrong guy, and your husband is getting (understandably) confused at the really bad potted history you're making up on the fly... Sarah's world is kinda imploding on itself!


dbskyler February 27 2010, 17:50:52 UTC
when your daughter looks like she's getting a crush on *totally* the wrong guy

Oh yes, totally the wrong guy in so many ways! And the bad potted history really was pretty bad -- but how do you explain that the Doctor is an old friend when according to his apparent age, he was just a child when you married your husband?

Sarah's reluctance to come clean is understandable, but if her world hasn't quite imploded yet, it's shortly going to, because isn't she due to start chasing aliens soon? I mean, apart from the Krillitanes she's going to help defeat tomorrow . . . really looking forward to seeing where you take this next!


boro_girl February 27 2010, 17:56:59 UTC
And the bad potted history really was pretty bad -- but how do you explain that the Doctor is an old friend when according to his apparent age, he was just a child when you married your husband?

I wanted her to try, even though she knew it wasn't going to go well. Peter's not a stupid man and so of course he saw right through it, but I felt that she had to try.

Sarah's reluctance to come clean is understandable, but if her world hasn't quite imploded yet, it's shortly going to, because isn't she due to start chasing aliens soon?

After this I start working through the SJA series, plus TSE/JE - so much to deal with, but the impact that her family have on it all? I've updated the summary to reflect what she's about to face...


Love the Peter Pan feel of this part weimlady February 27 2010, 21:36:44 UTC
You know how Peter came back for Wendy, many years later, only to find she was grown up and her daughter, Jane, was the little girl in the bed? That's what flashed very strongly in my mind as the Doctor met Sarah's daughter. And she, OF COURSE, took a shine to him.

The Doctor IS Peter Pan, of course. The boy who never grows up. The boy from Neverland who entices young women to travel there with him. He takes a more circuitous route than the real Peter, of course. You never quite reach Neverland with the Doctor. Too many fascinating detours to take. :) And we wouldn't have it any other way!


Re: Love the Peter Pan feel of this part boro_girl February 27 2010, 21:52:52 UTC
Wow. I never really thought of it that way but this is so true. I'm never going to be able to look at the Doctor in the same way again!

Nicole is massively enchanted with the Doctor, and that'll come back in later parts - she's very much her mother's daughter.

Thank you so much for the feedback!


Re: Love the Peter Pan feel of this part weimlady February 27 2010, 22:00:45 UTC
Oooh, Sarah is going to be SO jealous. I mean--look at how she is so insistent that Rose and the Doctor are just mates. She can't face any other possibility. He's HER Doctor! And quite right.

Of course, she has her Peter this time. So maybe she'd be okay with Nicole going off with the Doctor. Didn't do her any harm, after all. And think of the things she could then offer through her party-catering service. Alien hors d'oeuvres!


Re: Love the Peter Pan feel of this part boro_girl February 27 2010, 22:08:50 UTC
So maybe she'd be okay with Nicole going off with the Doctor. Didn't do her any harm, after all.

Heh. Maybe - but maybe not. What parent would wave their child off into a life of excitement and danger on a scale infinitely bigger than anything you could imagine on Earth. Yes, Nicole would love it and the Doctor would be the most amazing teacher, open her eyes to what's out there. To face Daleks and everything else? Given how desperate Sarah's been to protect Nic from the moment she was born?

If Nic really wanted to go, Sarah would wave her off. But if it were up to her? Not sure she'd let her go...

But it's an interesting thought all the same!


spydurwebb February 27 2010, 22:17:53 UTC
Nic's definitely her mum's daughter. Of COURSE the Doctor is a bit dishy in this incarnation, so that helps. :-)

YAY! :)


boro_girl February 27 2010, 22:48:18 UTC
Ten is very cute. Even if he is a bit lanky... ;o)


spydurwebb February 27 2010, 22:49:21 UTC
Oh heck yea! :)


spydurwebb February 27 2010, 22:49:47 UTC
Oh, love the icon, BTW - "Everything is normal".



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