At the end of 2008, I posted about wanting 2009 to be about doing new scary things that I'd been scared to do in the past. As part of that, I'm posting a 'status update' at the end of each month. Here are the things I've done for Project 2009 in May (yes, i know it's late):
- Talked a lot more in my eating disorder support group. I've always found that the groups I talk more in are the ones I get more out of, but it's always been really hard to do. I asked others in the group to poke at me if I'm being overly quiet, and they started doing that. It's really been helping me notice that I'm being quiet that day, and to push myself to fix it. I've been getting a lot more out of groups the last few weeks due to it too. :)
- Got my G1 (first level of graduated licensing, like a learner's permit) driver's license! This was technically right at the end of April, but it didn't get onto my April Project 2009 summary.
- Went to Forever Young.
Goals for the next month:
- See my audiologist/dispenser to a hearing test done, my hearing aids adjusted, and new earmolds made. This has been on my list since March, but it's really scary and I've been avoiding it. The last few days I've been operating with my aids turned up as high as they'll go, and it's greatly improved my comprehension ability. I'm taking this as a sign I need another hearing test done, and probably program modifications on my aids to compensate for what's likely more loss. Really, really need to get this one done...
- Go tandem hang gliding in California.
- Stop slacking off on Project 2009. I need to be doing more scary things ;)