awesome weekend. lots.

May 10, 2009 21:54

had a really, really good past few days. short on time and motivation to write a long post, so i'll just summarize it :)
chirik and lilyth_lindorie flew in mid-afternoon Friday, and we all met up at Rock Oasis. we climbed together for a few hours and had a really good time. it's fun climbing in a group of 4, and especially with people we're not used to climbing with. much fun! didn't make much technical progress that day, but that's fine. lilyth_lindorie, lisanys and i went out for dinner after, which was fun. lilyth_lindorie being off caffeine makes a huuuuuge positive difference :) we went our separate ways after dinner, got home and crashed for the night.
saturday we met up at the normal weekly furry brunch, had foods and chatted. the original plan was to head to a kandimaking party in a park for the afternoon, but as it was thunderstorming we made alternate plans to hang out at First Canadian Place and work on kandi. got a bunch of nifty stuff made, only incident we had was security asking us not to sit on the floor, only the benches. we were fine with that (though there was limited room once the trays of supplies were on the benches), and them not kicking us out was nice. we headed to jack astors for dinner after, which was nummy (though service was slow, which was an issue as we were already running a bit late). lisanys and i headed back home for a short time to swap out backpacks, drop off the large amount of stuff we were carrying around, change, increase in cuteness, etc. spent 30mins or so at home, then headed back downtown to a rave (Forever Young). will post separately about that at some point soon, so i'll gloss over details for now. lisa and i headed off early morning, came home, crashed, and slept for ~4 hours.
got up today and headed downtown to have linner with everyone, hang out and talk for a bunch of hours, then headed back home for dinner. as we've had dinner out a lot this weekend, wanted/needed to have a normal at-home dinner. my nutritionist is already going to be annoyed at me enough about some things this weekend, don't need more reasons for her to be annoyed :P overall i've done really well with eating over the past few days though, which I'm happy about. there are some times in which there just isn't a good way to keep on-plan 100%.
overall had an awesome, wonderful weekend with lots of nifty people. squeeee!

(yes, i'm uncensoring some of my life here that i've previously avoided mentioning on lj. yay uncensoring!)

rave, events, friends, climbing, squeee, toronto, project 2009, relp, $stuff, kandi

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