Nov 27, 2006 11:01
I get a snow day today! My new work is so nice, I called to say I was going to be late as I was trying to find a way to get there other than the highway which was at that point closed, and they said to just go home and take a snow day! I could have gotten there ok - I do have 4x4, but that doesn't help much when the cops won't let you on the road you need to be on. Other staff also had trouble getting there so they rescheduled the only surgery that showed up. There is one Dr. and receptionist who live close by who went in so that people who can't reschedule appointments or have urgent/emerg situations can still be seen, but they just won't do surgery without the other staff. Anyways it's pretty nice, this is the first job where I've ever been allowed to stay home cause of snow... everywhere else would have been like "I don't care if you have to walk through road closures, you will show up!"
We went to the zone show last night also, and it was awesome. It was Theory of a Deadman, Mobile and Three Days Grace and some other band I never heard of first. I love TDG but being the end of the tour the lead dude's voice wasn't holding up super well, so it wasn't as good as I hoped, but still worth going to. Theory was friggin awesome live though.
We went with some friends from my old work, it was nice to see them. Went for dinner first too and lots of beer so that was all good.
Kinda sucked come time to go home when we start scraping snow off the truck and see that it's been broken into though:(
It's ok though, not damaged badly, and all they took was change and the key to the gas cap that was sitting in the ashtray. Made a mess though... they were probably pissed that we didn't have anything worth taking. Since all 3 of our vehicles have been broken into we don't keep anything in them, cept burned cd's. I can't open my gas tank now though... must try to remedy that, I will need gas eventually. I just don't want to pay a locksmith to work on it, maybe my dad's key will fit it, since he has the same truck as us.
Anyways that is all... must go play outside now:)