
Sep 11, 2008 09:39

So everything is uncertain as of now. Mother is worried that if the storm ends up not being too bad and we go to Huntsville that we won't make it home in time for her surgery on Monday (another thing to be worried about!). So if the doctor says he's going to post-pone the operation then we'll go to Huntsville if not we stay. But little sister ilovedrwilson is apparently really worried about us and wants us to come up there anyway.

My room was filthy so I managed to clean it a bit. Mother also brilliantly thought up a scenario that I hadn't. We have a power line right next to our house if it is knocked down we could have a fire. I know they're only possessions but it still makes me sad. I'm bringing what I can of the things that are absolutely important to me and couldn't be replaced in the event of total destruction.

I'm currently moving over family pictures to one of my harddrives that I plan to take with us. This includes all of my music and I'm taking on the barest of CDs the rest I've tucked away in my dresser in my closet. If I end up losing everything I will be disappointed but those can always be replaced. Only the non-replaceable are coming with me.

I've never gotten so much done is so sort of time before. Breakfast and then more decision making. Mother did call the doctor and as of now her Monday surgery is still on. So the question remains do we go or do we stay? Most of the time I would say go however Mother needs this surgery. She's only getting around 83% oxygen to her brain and I've noticed her forgetting things more so then usual.

Will attempt to post via text message in a minute.

hurricane ike

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